Rule of The Militia of Christ the King

Chapter I--The Nature and Object of the Militia
Chapter II--Concerning those to be received and the conditions required
Chapter III--The Uniform of the Militia
Chapter IV--Reception into the Militia
Chapter V--Of Recruits and Profession
Chapter VI--Prayers of the Militia
Chapter VII--Confession, communion and other pious exercises
Chapter VIII--Fasts
Chapter IX--Reverence towards prelates and clergy
Chapter X--Training
Chapter XI--Visiting and assisting the sick and wounded
Chapter XII--Death of the brethren and suffrages
Chapter XIII--The superiors of the Militia
Chapter XIV--The officials of the Chapter
Chapter XV--The office of Prior and of the other Officers of the Chapter
Chapter XVI--The meetings of the Brethren
Chapter XVII--The correction of the Brethren
Chapter XVIII--Dispensations
Chapter XIX--The nature of the obligation of this Rule

This Rule is a work in progress. If you would like to comment on it please leave your comments on the Militia site at or email me directly at
Also, feel free to pint out glaring errors, typos, etc!

Deus Vult!