The eternal bliss of Ralph&Chris
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An official Gundam W couple. Ralph and Chris first show up in Blind target the radio dramma, they're also in the manga.

Just a small site,  right now. Ralph&Chris aren't just cute togather, They don't have a vague romatic relationship, What they are is simple, love for one another. Sents chiled hood they've been the other's rock, comfert, best friend and more.
Yeah so Lady Une & Noin are obsased with their man, Lieh & Treize have fling, Middi Une says she loves Trowa, Relena & Heero have a deep friendship and kiss once, and Duo & Hilde live with each other,
But non of that is nearly as strong, as the bond of love between Ralph & Chris, nor is it half as romantic.
So if you really want to read some thing fluffy, sweet, and true love, how about picking up Blind target, or a RxC fanfic?

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