I haven't had hardly any time to get this page put together, but we're gonna work on that.  Very soon, if I can get permission, I'll have Is Jesus in the Godhead or Is the Godhead in Jesus? by Bro. Gordon Magee.  In the meantime, check out some articles from the "Symposium[s] on Oneness Pentecostalism".  Don't worry if some of the links below show up as "not found" or they're blank, that just means that they're not available yet and you'll have to check back later. It probably won't be for a while, though, as I don't have much time in the day to be online.

      If you have any questions, my e-mail addy is  That's my name, too: John Smith.  If you have any questions at all, just let me know, and I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible.


      Not every point presented from the symposiums are officially endorsed POINT FOR POINT by the UPCI.  This is not to say that the UPCI or I disagree with them as a whole, but there may be some points which were either inaccurate or in disagreement with the views held to by the aforementioned organization.

      The whole point to a symposium is not to simply reiterate what we believe, but to encourage "evaluation and even criticism in an effort to carefully examine our position and to arrive at proper conclusions."  We do this to more closely examine what we believe, in hopes that "such an examination should promote understanding and unity among us in our mission to proclaim the message of Jesus Christ to the whole world."

      Once again, let me state that "the views presented in the [articles] are not necessarily those of the United Pentecostal Church.  The objective of the Symposium[s] was not to defend the doctrinal position of the movement but to explore and offer insights into the distinctive doctrinal views of the Oneness movement.

      "As you read and study these [articles], may our Lord Jesus so inspire truth to your hearts that you will be a more effective witness of Him, of His riches of grace, and of his exalted majesty."

      Sometimes, at the bottom of a page, you will find a link for a response to the article.  These were comments given after the original presentation.  Sometimes, but not always, these included criticisms of weak points in the paper/article.  None of the articles were altered or edited in any way except to correct any possible spelling errors that made it over into the book version.  May Yehoshua Ha Mashiach (Jesus Christ) richly bless and keep you.

These papers are copyrighted (©) and may NOT be copied, stored, or otherwise relocated onto any electronic storage medium.  They may NOT be printed out onto any medium.  Brief quotations may be used so long as they are referred to the ORIGINAL source (i.e. If you use information quoted within an article/paper, refer to the source of the quote, not the article itself. If it comes directly from the article, then refer to the article).

Unless otherwise indicated, the papers are © Word Aflame Press.

Symposium on Oneness Pentecostalism - 1986

Symposium on Oneness Pentecostalism - 1988/1990

Last updated March 29, 1998