Lord Of The Flies
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Chapter 17 and 16 vocab
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Shes one of the Guardians of Middle Earth

Shes not considered to be surf

She is Slender and Tall

And is always on call

Shes here to help wherever shes needed

And here to give us all we needed


She came by ship in dark of night

And showed Forlond of all that might

Happen if they dare not to act

Their death though they saw was an act

They had not trusted

So they combusted

By the fires that threatened

And then she was tended


By the elfs of blue Mountain

And there she stayed at the Mountain

Then she pleaded

Pleaded and pleaded

Elway then took a stand

Then Banished he was from his land


And off they set

Forth on their test

That they could not afford to fail

Cause then wed all fail

And all would fall


Still they ride

Ride and ride

In search of refuge

They became fugitives


Then her brother

Released some bother

By joining on this grand quest

In search for others

To fight aside their brothers

And to finally abolish

Middle Earths Tarnish

Iluvatar ("Father of All") made the Ainur ("Holy Ones")

Iluvatar gave form to the universe (Ea) and the world (Arda)

The Valar ("those With Power")

Valar were a host of lesser Ainur called the Maiar. Largest of all the regions of the world was Endore ("Middle Earth"), the mortal lands bound by time. Far to the west beyond the great sea lay Aman ("Blessed Realm"), the Undying lands of the immortal Ainur, who walked the world in both spirit and material forms of power and splendor. Collectively called the Aratar ("High Ones"), ruled over Arda.

1st. Manwe the "Elder King"

2nd. Varda the Lady of the Stars (called "Elbereth" By the elves)

3rd. Ulmo the Lord of waters

4th. Aule the Smith

5th. Yavanna the protectress of nature

6th. Mandos the keeper of the Houses of the dead

7th. Nienna who teaches pity and endurance in hope

8th. Orome the hunter and Lord of Forests

9th. Melkor, the strongest Vala and Manwe's Brother in the mind of Iluvatar.

Melkor was greedy and wished to rule over all of Endore ("Middle Earth").  He tried to convence some of the Maiar to rebel with him.  He was able to convence the lieutenant Sauron.