
Robins are called "the first birds of spring" and they can be observed in the Laurel Lake area. Robins can be seen in wooded areas, forest borders, or openareas. As civilization progresses, robins have found shade trees, lawns, andorchards ideal for nesting.

The food of the robin includes earthworms, insects, and fruits.

Robins are migratory birds.Males are the first to return following winter. Males and females are similarly colored withmales exhibiting brighter color.

The robin grows to approximately 11 inches in length. These birds are gray on top and brick red on theunderside.

Robins usually build their nests in a bush or on a tree limb 5 to 15 feet above the ground.The female builds up the walls of the nest with mud and grass. She smooths out the inner walls ofthe nest. The female lays between 3 and 4 eggs. Robin eggs are blue in color. The female incubatesthe eggs while the male stands guard against invaders. The eggs hatch in about 14 days. Within 2 weeks,the fledglingsare fully feathered.

Once fledglings can fly, they must learn to survive in a world ofpredators. Another threat to the robin is the use of DDTwhich farmers spray on crops and trees.