Name:_________________________________________ Class:_____________

Use This Paper To Work Your Problems.

1.) John rides his bicycle to work each day. He works a five day week. If he lives 1.6 miles from work, how many miles round trip will he ride per a 5 day week?

1.6 + 1.6 = 3.2 (1 day round trip). 3.2 X 5= 16 miles per week.

2.) Mary and Beth are making rag dolls for the festival. If it cost them $1.13 per doll to make and they sell each doll for $2.50. How much profit will they make (after expenses) if they sell 40 dolls?

$2.50 - $1.13= $1.37 Profig per doll. $1.37 X 40 =$54.80.

3.) One gallon is equal to 128 ounces. If the cola salesman sold Tim 3 gallons of cola, how many 8 ounce cups of cola will be be able to sell?

128 X 3 =384. 384/8= 48- 8 Ounce Cups

4.) Tom is filling bags with marbles. Each bag will hold 46 marbles. If he has 1104 marbles, how many bags can Tom fill?

1104/46=24 Bags