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Kaye's personal written works site
Contact Kaye...

Looking backward, forward, in every point of view...

Acting and Writing...  Mis Últimas Pasiones...

Acting and writing are two of the most influencial of all my hobbies to date...
For me the two go together, and they're passions that I think would never die out inside of me.  Writing opens my imagination to new worlds, new faces, new people, new things...  Acting helps me understand those new things in what I've written and makes me see things clearly...
I would love to hear from you guys, tell me what you think about my work.  For me, constructive criticisms are always welcome for there is always room for improvement if one aspires for perfection...
E-mail Kaye at:

Just a few words from Kaye...

I am currently a senior college student at the University of Cebu taking up a degree in Information and Computer Science.  The University of Cebu Main Campus is situated here in the heart of the downtown area of Cebu City, Philippines... 
Acting and writing are a few of my favorite hobbies and a few of the university professors have been kind enough to help me improve on both during Interdepartmental Language Competitions...
Mrs. Y. Pino, Mrs. C. Abellanosa, and Mrs. E. Tan!!!  Thanks for everything!!!