Hey everybody! This is my site, obviously, which I'll put all my junk on like pics, poems and songs and what-not.
Actually, this site is mainly only used for a place to put my songs so that I dont lose them! Oh--and for the quotes and pics
of my friends, and poems. But mostly for my songs! Have a look around & enjoy! :)
What's New?
hey hey everyone! this wuts new since my site started in January 2003!
Dec 12/06-2 NEW SONGS-->Jenny's Last Stand & Beyond the Curtain...pretty much all thats new! haha
May 13/06-Added some more pics (Random '06 Pics & NSSSAA 2006)...added some songs, quotes..yup, s'it!
January 29/06-Fixed up & organized my Pictures pages, and edited the homepage! ain't she purdy!...umm nothing
else, really. Got rid of the Amethyst page, added some songs, y'know, the usual :P
August 15/05-New songs up (of course), editing all my pics pages, new Wolves page (its now a separate site, but
can be accessed from here; the link is Longlac Timberwovles), and a new 3rd quotes page as well! :)
January 28/05-WOO 2 full years!!! :D I have a page dedicated to all the members of the SG, with some examples of
their best works, under My Stuff, so take a look! :)
November 15/04-Updating random pages. Updated layout for Changing Tides Page & Pics. Updating Amethyst Pics page,
then I'll move on to updating my Friends Pics page. I add random quotes every once in a while, so check it out often!
September 3/04-SG page, Amethyst page, quotes 2 page, AND I organized all my songs alphabetical order!!! WEE!! GO ME!!
January 18 i think/04-new pics, songs, QUOTES!! CHECK OUT THE QUOTES! lol and a whole buncha junk!!!! :) its awesome,
really!! :)
September 3/03- New song. check it out :) Its great :)
August 20 sumthing/03- Check out the banners!! have fun!
August umm19?/03-New song-CHECK IT OUT! LoL..its actualyl really good! lol under Songs 7, called Free Like the Wind...GO!
NOW!--oh, and it's Tyler's Birthday!! Happy Ty? :P lol
July umm..?/03 LoL- new page, Changing Tides!! CHECK IT OUT! i got pics on there...they're ok. but if any of u have any
pics that i can add, PLZ TELL ME!! thanx!
July 3/03-New songs! newest is Lily's Song! check it out!
April 27/03-Got a new HOCKEY PAGE...GO SEE IT..RITE NOW! LoL ya i got pics on it, and stats, and stuffs..fun fun. New
April 5/03-Just added some new songs, im gonna get workin on adding other pages too, and more links!
adding more songs to the site! go to My Stuff, then click the link Songs.