Unified Value System

UVS or You-We-Us

Abstract: In the current world, we have existence of different flavors of Value Systems. A lot of arguments are effectually illogical because each one of such a group considers themselves right basing their analysis on their Value System. The core of the real problem of disagreement is the Value Systems, and not the people themselves. The following analysis is an attempt to unify the various Value Systems by providing a structured priority to aspects of human and non-human parameters that affect our life and our environment. UVS is read You-We-Us.

I Introduction

The Value Systems that are prevalent are specific to the times we live in. In the past, the diverse Value Systems were affected by boundaries. The boundaries can be classified into visible and invisible boundaries. The boundaries were visible in the form of large oceans between the lands, gigantic mountain ranges between human habitats, or lack of means to battle adverse conditions of tropical deserts or arctic ice-caps in between the regions. Also present were boundaries that were invisible due to the merging of diverse interdependent cultures existing as a part of a larger country or continent. For example, a professional race/class system dependency of white Americans on Black slaves, colonism of colonial nations on less evolved nations, and division of labor by creating a caste system of soldiers, carpenters, etc.

The prevalent Value Systems have been historically time-sensitive. However, in the current times (i.e., the 21st century) the boundaries have been vanishing. Specifically, this is happening in terms of aviation allowing us to cross the visible hurdles, advent of global trade bringing diverse products, growth in telephony, growth in television networks, growth in movie production, growth of the internet medium and higher level of stream lined education systems. Global trade even if approximately the same in quantity, the quality of products is very different in current times – ranging from electronic toys to highly sophisticate gadgets.

Also, many of the existing Value Systems are domain-specific value systems (like technology, mathematics, etc.), profession-specific value systems (legal, medical, political, arts, etc.), cultural (asian, middle eastern, etc.), and religious (chrisitian, muslim, etc.). This brings a challenge in unifying the disparate Value Systems into as few as possible. The priorities of a globally unified value system must be based on cross-Value System research (i.e., assimilation of various Value Systems), and the same must be open to evaluation and correction in a scientific manner. The priorities when evolved will give each individual the tool to make fairer judgements and better decisions.

UVS allows us to cope with globalization by educating on key areas quicker, spread the word faster and accept changes better; both as an individual as well as a community.

II Methodology

Unlike the research studies that are available for a price and that require funding from an organization making it proprietary information, the process to Unified Value System requires funding from a standards body, government bodies and contributions from diverse domains. Development of UVS is best done by a hybrid combination of:

  1. social software technologies like Wiki,
  2. processes like Apache and Linux Open Source,
  3. distributed projects like Human Genome and ET Search,
  4. standardization organizations like W3C and IEEE, and
  5. branding as with Microsoft.

In order for it to be popular and accepted, it must be clear, converted in several languages, must be provable by implementing a simple change in an individual's (or organization's) life style, open to questioning and available for modification. The popularity of this system is by selling itself based on its success upon implementation and need for such a system for day to day decisions. Members on intelligentsia may need to do voluntary marketing of the underlying results. This would mean an effort by each individual to edify several other individuals within their close social circle, without the motive for short-term profit or sale, but to improve the world around them. The long term profit will be a better quality of life (lesser crime, better government, lower suffering, etc.), as the population is more educated.

The Unified Value System not only develops the value system that is efficient and optimum for day to day decision making, but also provides short statement quotations that are deemed accurate by the research and can be remembered through catchy phrases. The results of the entire research put together will develop a tree structure (or chart) of priorities and factors for us to be more successful individually and better co-existent in a group. In order that they not fail like the past value systems, Unified Value System will define a process to be able to rationally update it from time to time in future.

III Description

In order to understand what Unified Value System proposes, it is best to look at that it is and what it is not.

III.1 What Unified Value System is …

Unified Value System is an answer to our need to co-exist. It tries to bring the best of all diverse domains into one standard, that is easy to interpret, easy to understand, easy to follow and easy to implement. While processes at organizations are rational and objective to do this; the processes are generally implemented so high up that the followers of the processes are often confused about why they should not try their creative methods, or worse, disagree with the process because it is one-size-fit-all. Unified Value System works at an individual level much like a personal ethic system, and explains why the process is right or efficient. If the process cannot be proven to be right by the priorities of Unified Value System, the process is not following the recommended guidelines or the Unified Value System has a new branch of research to be taken up. Unified Value System also provides a person to evaluate his ethics against the best that is available through research, thereby giving him a coefficient of where he/she stands with respect to the proven model of ethics.

It is important here to define that Unified Value System bridges the gap between Discipline vs Process. In the eastern cultures, discipline is given a very high importance in the community. Discipline is specifically one per person, requires more effort, is more infringing on privacy, reduces freedom and keeps creativity limited. In some of the most advanced cultures, process is the key for being able to create larger systems that are newer yet more successful (in terms of quality of life style and results) than the eastern cultures. Process is specifically one per group, and the fairness of the process based on its applicability being irrespective of the individual's value system (or personal ethics). Process requires more planning by experienced experts, higher level implementation, and is unclear to the lower levels (which is often the majority of people following the process). In a process-centered system, discipline is often seen as oppression; and in a discipline-centered system, individual freedom is seen as non-conformance to rest of humanity. The Unified Value System attends to developing a priority based personal ethic system, that bridges the gap in explaining "why" a particular process is designed the way it is by its experts.

While processes form the core operation methodology of a group, and efficient processes form successful organizations/countries/communities; Unified Value System forms the core of an individual in order for him/her to be efficient in diversity, creative besides processes and fair despite variety in existing value systems.

III.2 What Unified Value System is not …

Unified Value System is not a religion, not a cult, not an education system, not a propaganda, not a peace process, not a liberal solution, not a Christian answer, not a Western ideology and not a mythical higher truth. It is important to understand that while some of the priorities of Unified Value System may seem to be in opposition to prevalent value systems, it is just a recommended by research and not merely meant to oppose any prevalent systems. An important part of Unified Value System is that it is observable through natural phenomenon, and deducible by everyone. If something cannot be observed and deduced, it is an "unknown" under the Unified Value System; and must be treated as such. It is important not to give new definitions to unknowns, unless we can observe and deduce something about them – because much of today’s value systems fail through assumptions of unknowns to be something they are not.

IV Terms

The following are some of the terms that must be understood unequivocally. So, the terms are followed by a generalized list of factors that must be taken into account before we proceed further. For example, ethics may mean values to one person and norms to another. If ethics are understood to mean values, they become very important for our roles and activities. Whereas, if ethics are understood to mean norms, they become table manners, worship timings, etc., and not the key reasons for our co-existence.

Accept = agree + take

Accountable = responsible + pay

Action = cause + change

Agree = logic + equal

Analogy = analyze + compare + similar

Analyze = logic + factor

Answer = question + factor + reason

Appear = perceive + bias

Asset = own + property + responsible

Bad = cause + wrong + hurt | harm + human

Believe = think + logic + answer

Bias = perceive + wrong

Birth = start + life

Capable = perceive + action

Cause = factor + reason + consequence

Change = cause + action + consequence

Classify = compare + factor + group

Clear = simple + answer

Co-exist = group + exist

Commit = agree + responsible

Common = normal + repeat + perceive

Compare = analyze + similar

Compete = compare + similar + strategy

Conquer = compete + win

Consequence = action + science + law

Consume = take

Continue = time + repeat

Core = believe + bias + perceive

Customer = human + consume

Death = end + life

Decide = analyze + answer

Delay = time + cause + wait

Demand = value + price + need

Differ = compare - similar

Discipline = human + law

Distance = separate + space

Earn = serve + take

Education = human + grow + truth

Emotion = human + urge + tend + fact + consequence

End = action + time + stop

Equal = compare + similar + agree

Evil = bad + consequence + perceive + human

Exist = continue + life

Fact = truth + observe + normal

Factor = reason | responsible + consequence

Faith = believe - analyze

Follow = listen + repeat

Formula = analyze + reason

Free = exist - conquer

Freedom = group + exist - conquer

Give = serve

Force = change - free

Gender = human | life + classify

General = normal + repeat

God = good + hero

Good = cause + consequence + like + human

Greed = force + take + human

Group = co-exist + human

Grow = time + fact + general

Harm = cause + consequence - like + human

Hero = human + perfect

Higher truth = truth + analyze + learn

Hoard = greed - co-exist

Human = life + classify + intelligent

Hurt = cause + consequence

Imagine = similar - analyze

Individual = human - group

Intelligence = capable + question + reason

Interest = perceive + like + motive

Kill = stop + life

Keyword = important

Knowledge = past + observe + truth

Law = agree + follow + continue

Lead = human + responsible + group

Learn = observe + fact + agree

Legal = law + agree

Life = exist + capable + action

Like = common + emotion - like
































































V Unified Value System: Priorities in Decision Making

The priorities in UVS are the key in decision making, measuring ethics and measuring progress. There is a deeper meaning to why something has higher priority than the rest, which should aid in making successful trade-offs in difficult decision making. The complexity of UVS requires it to be available interactively as well as short reference, plus the challenges of being small enough to be carried and unequivocal in interpretation. Therefore, the priorities in UVS are the core form that can be carried anywhere, whereas its explanation would require visiting a library or the internet.

Implementing democracy, which is people’s rule over themselves, is close to UVS, and we have shown to adjust our priorities right over time. However, changing democracies happen at a much slower rate than the optimum changes that are best for its time. This is because change is difficult to propagate. UVS not only sets the precedent for such changes, but also expedites them because of better verifiable documentation of these priorities through UVS. Therefore, UVS will improve the rate at which we transform as a community.

The priorities as follows:

  1. People
  2. Love
  3. Truth

  1. Process
  2. Co-existence
  3. Fairness
  4. Empathy
  5. Trust
  6. Life (non-human)

  1. Environment
  2. Change
  3. Progress
  4. Standard Processes
  5. Stability
  6. Survive
  7. Health
  8. Law
  9. Competition
  10. Individual Achievement
  11. … (to be researched)

VI Recording in Unified Value System

Simplicity, factorization, analogies and multiple language conversions are key to UVS. Recording of UVS, it is important, to be decentralized, simple and not limited by any criteria. In other words, it is important to be able to write UVS priorities, at least, on beach sand as well as CD-ROM files. While the media is not the issue, there has to be decentralized proxies sites to a single document, so that updates can be proliferated quickly through punch outs or automatic distribution. While this high technology is necessary to proliferate new findings through scientific research or through changes through previous failures of UVS priorities, it is not necessary part of UVS priorities operation.

Since large systems in discord causes confusion, UVS must protect itself from such confusion through connectivity. Therefore, it is necessary to date each UVS in unequivocal time standard, like GMT, while passing on the UVS from the central location. A UVS without date may have become invalid, and the main site must be approached to update any changes. In case the world is in a mayhem and disconnected, following UVS until a newer version of UVS is available is a good strategy.

The dated versions of UVS create a good means of creating archives of how we improved our priorities.

VII Testing Implementation of Unified Value System

VIII Promoting of Unified Value System

A system like UVS fails when it depends upon people to change and people to subscribe. Instead it can succeed only if it is proven to improve life upon following it, irrespective of any value systems that they may additionally choose to follow or belong to.

UVS should use branding based on performance. In other words, it should be able to demonstrate that it not only works and not only excels, but excels repeatedly.

Since people are an important part in UVS, acceptance and standardization must go hand in hand. While scientific observations and measurements may set standardization, but it is quite useless if it opposes people’s ideology, or if it doesn’t work with people.

IX Change Management of Unified Value System

X Testing Change Acceptance of Unified Value System