My Poems
My Poems

A Strong Woman

Have You Ever Seen The Real Me?
When You Look At Me, What Do You See?
Do You See A Strong Woman?
Or A Weak Woman Because I'm Not Like You?
Do You Hear What I Say?
Or Do You Turn Your Ear The Other Way?
I Cover Myself Because I Respect Myself.
I Lower My Gaze Because I'm Modest.
I Believe In Myself.
Do You?


Peace- When you put yourself in Allah's "hands", this is how you feel.
Beauty- When you see no color, only people.
Love- Our love of Allah brought us together.
Respect- Something we have for eachother.
Family- This is what we are.


Without Allah, where would we be?
We wouldn't "BE".
Without Allah there would be no you
and there would be no me.
Allah made us who and what we are.
What we do with that affects everyone around us.
We can choose to be happy.
We can choose to be sad.
We can choose to be trustworthy.
We can choose to be bad.
We can choose to ignore God.
But why?
The more we live and love, the better we are.
The less we hate and argue, the better off we are.
Allah made no race greater than any other.
We need to stop fighting and start hugging.
Stop hating and start loving.
Can you imagine this world filled with only PEACE?
I can!
It's beautiful!
And you and I can make it happen.

What's Happening To Us? (A POEM FOR KOSOVA)

Oh, Allah!
What's happening to us?
Where's the love?
All I see is hate and distrust.
What is the world coming to?
That we have to fight, hate and cheat eachother?
We should be loving eachother like a sister and a brother.
All that I'm seeing makes me want to break down and cry!
Why?- I keep thinking in my head- Why?!
These are people.
They are a part of all of us.
We have to do something!
I mean WE MUST!
Oh Allah, please help our family!
Take away all of this insanity.
It breaks my heart to see all of this pain!
What does anyone really have to gain?
So please, Allah, do what you must.
Because in You, we put all our trust.

My Sisters

All of you don't realize how much you mean to me.
If it wasn't for you, I don't know where I'd be.
All of you are beautiful, as I'm sure you know.
Insha'allah, with time our friendship will grow.
I am so thankful to Allah for having friends like you.
I'm sure you have no idea on the wonderful things that you do.
You listen.
You cry.
You smile.
You try.
You give advice.
You never push and shove.
It is you, my sisters, that I trust and love.

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