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Preach The Word
Stories by Karen E, Armstrong ---A Life Blessed by God

Preach The Word

Paul charged Timothy before God , and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; Preach the word, be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine.

We in like manner need to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. Go and tell the good news everywhere you go that Jesus Christ is Lord.

To apply this personally in my own life this week I found myself making a scripture quilt for a lady that I have met only one time. She seems to be having a rough time in her life and God will bless her through the word for his word does not return void.

God allowed me to share my testimony at my husbands cousins church this past week end. My daughter sang three songs for them as well. We enjoyed a trip to Mansfield, Ohio. I never dreamed when I gave my life to the Lord so completely that he would open so many doors to use me for his words to be sent forth to so many hurting people.

Upon giving my testimony at this wonderful spirit filled church, God opened my eyes to the many hurting and suffering hearts that were present. I wanted to give them hope. I wanted to tell them that if God can do this for me and turn my testimony around to be used for his glory than He would also give each and every one of them a beautiful testimony to do the same in their lives.

God uses bad things that happen in our lives to bring forth the good that He wants to in each and every one of us. When we realize that we have nothing to look forward to and all feels lost, this is where He can take over and make something beautiful. It is total dependence upon God to heal, restore, and bring a resurrection back into our lives that gives us hope. The preaching of the word, the hearing of the word, the reading of the word, brings that resurrection which is Jesus Christ Himself back into our lives giving us much hope.

I believe a church that seems to be so untouched by pain is not suffering with Christ. It is through the suffering of Christ, though He was a son learned obedience. It is through our suffering, though we are His sons and daughters of the God most high we learn obedience to God in our lives as well as we are partaking in His suffering right along with Him. I can then have that wonderful hope that I also will be glorified with Him in the end through learning obedience to the God most high.

How do we learn obedience? I believe it is by the things that we suffer.

When we are broken, we have no where than to look up to the our redeemer who lives. If we are not broken we become prideful, puffed up, unable to receive the will of the Father in our lives. His will must become our will.

I usually am a shy person. When prayed for at this church service, the boldness of the Lord came forth to preach the word. I am not saying that God is making me a minister. I do know that He says in His word that He will pour out His spirit on His sons and daughters in the last days. His spirit had to take over for me in order for me to speak so calmly with peace in my heart and reassurance that He was guiding me and leading me every step of the way.

When we get our self out of the way as we bring the word of God to the lost something dramatically happens. The anointing of the Lord begins to ooze forth as God intends on all our lives as we speak of the good things the Lord has done for us bringing Him glory in our lives as He intended from the beginning of the world He created.

We can apply what Paul told Timothy to our lives as well in 11 Timothy 4:5,

But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry. God has permitted us to endure as he allowed Job to endure also as he permitted satan to do to him will also make us what we become in the Lord someday. We are to fight the good fight, finish our course, and keep the faith in all that we may be called upon to endure in our life time.

We do not bargain with God but God does bargain with us. If we do not obey and keep His word we will suffer the consequences in the end. To eternal life we will awaken or to eternal death.

Let us continue in our lives to preach the word to the lost. If we are persecuted for doing so rejoice for the Lord is with us every moment of the way. Let your mouth be filled with His word and be filled with praise.

Written By: Karen Armstrong July 20, 2003