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Sin is Sin
Stories by Karen E, Armstrong ---A Life Blessed by God

Sin is Sin

There are many ways that we allow sin to come into our lives. I listened as a minister named the classic sins we deal with from day to day. I thought my life was ok. in certain areas until I heard these seven listed. I began to take inventory right away and I scored pretty low when I thought about each and every one of them with a truthful heart.

I would like to acknowledge some of the ways I have failed in hopes that others will also take note of their life and seek God in forgiveness. This is why we so desperately need the savior to help us. He died for each and every sin to be numbered in our lives. They would be without end if we do not see our need for the savior to correct each and every one of them.

I listened with pain in my heart as he named them off one by one. I repent and give an account of each and every one and strive to do better in my walk with the Lord. I consider myself as one who longs to please the Savior in all I do and I say. God opened my eyes to many things that I had been blinded even in my innocence. Please God forgive me and others if they have failed you in this way. Let us desire to be man or woman enough to admit our sin. Show us how we are allowing sin to grow ramped daily. We must seek your forgiveness and not continue once we have been enlightened by your sweet holy spirit.

The first one the minister mentioned was laziness. I am not a lazy person and it is hard to make me sit down from time to time. I also know that I need rest for my body and mind at different interviewals. I like to spend hours studying the word or listening to home decorating shows on t.v. I also enjoy cooking shows when I sit down to rest. I love sewing and taking care of my family. I put many hours into canning and gardening in the summer.

I began to feel so bad as I thought on the laziness part. I am spending way to much time sitting and watching t.v. of things that are of no value to me. I like the Christian programming and I get fed tremendously through this type of ministry. I realize that it is winter, but I also know that I have a struggle with depression in the winter months. I tend to procrastinate in many areas in the winter months. I must keep moving and not sit and let my mind and body starve from what I need the most. Exercise the body physically and mentally as well by reading the word. I do know that a hard days work never hurt any one and I am very happy to sit down to a labor of love from the kitchen. I also love to do things with my hands such as writing stories. I need to move a lot in order to keep from getting stiff and putting on weight. I have been so busy today knowing that the Lord is pleased with me for I am obeying Him.

The second thing was gluttony. I weigh in at 143# on my scales at this time. I know that I must be very careful in what I eat for I have high blood pressure and have been diagnosed with diabetes. I claimed healing from the Lord for my diabetes. I know that beyond a shadow of a doubt I struggle with eating too much sugar or salt or too much food. I feel that I need to gain self control in these areas over and over. I also feel that I have failed the Lord when I lose control. It is a battle and I am at war with these things daily. I believe that I have not learned to persevere in these areas long enough to get it under control. I know that I would be more healthier, happier, and a lot lighter in body in doing so. I say, With all my heart, Lord help me to master this area in my life to trust you for the will power and strength to overcome. Nothing is impossible with you and I seek your forgiveness and your guidance in this area of my life. We are over comers in You.

The third thing was greed. I didnt think that I had a problem in this area and I always want to consider the other person better than myself. The Lord showed me areas that I need Him on this sin. I stock and can multiple jars of food each year. I also give away as much as I put up. I know that I could give a lot more in this area and save myself the days and days of slaving over a sink cutting and prepping fruits and vegetables and making myself exhausted daily. I tire so easily as I stand at the stove preserving food. I also, have been shown that time is growing short and we must be doing all we can for the kingdom of God is coming soon. We will be about the Fathers business. I can minister in food as well as spreading the gospel to whom ever God puts upon my heart. I will know that He is showing me I am doing it unto Him each time I give in this way. Do I want to rob God and keep more than I need? Oh God, help me to remember this as I do my seasonal garden this year. Forgive me and help me to do your will in all things.

The fourth was lust. I long for things that I see sometimes in shopping for myself that I know that I can not afford. I long for things to be easy on me in taking care of my household, such as appliances. I long for a body that is not so plump. Why cant I have a waistline that fits into skirts and slacks with no bulging over the band? It really is up to me you know. I long for children that are perfect. I long for a husband that will bend over backwards for his wife. Or do I? Do I want to be so controlling? I am guilty of longing or lusting for some wrong things. God forgive me in this area as well. I promise you with deep longing in my heart to please you and learn to be content in all the wonderful things that you have provided for me and given me out of your treasury. We can sin if we are not careful by allowing the wrong movie, wrong t.v. program, the wrong music, to cause us to lust. Does God care what I see or listen to? Absolutely. I know He does and let us seek like Jesus did, I want to do the things that please my Father.

The fifth would be envy. Do I envy my fellow Christian sister or brother for their accomplishments? They are given only what God has given them for furthering the work of the kingdom. He gave me what He wants only me to understand and do for Him. Some of the things others are doing, He will not allow me to do. It is not my calling from Him. He allows me to go where He will not let others go into the hearts of men to witness for Him. He allowed devastating circumstances in my life so that He could work a mighty work in my life for Him. I have suffered with envy when I see my husband loving his mother knowing that I have no mother or father to love on this earth. I love my mother-in-law very much and desire to have a mother to talk to and hold me when I hurt. God forgive me when I feel pain in this area as I see others with their loved ones. Let me love them in the same manner as you do.

The sixth sin would be anger. The Lord knows we have went around the mountain many times until I got it right to not hold anger and bitterness in my heart for a murderer. He may allow Satan to tempt me in this area over and over and show me how much I need Him to make me not sin. I have had to make many trips with the Lord guiding me into a better way. I still struggle with anger when someone I feel has wronged me. I know immediately I must repent and pardon my offender. I know what it feels like and it is not a good thing. It hurts the very heart of God. It has no place in a Christians life. I know that Jesus got angry and over turned the tables in the temple. I think that He Himself has experience my anger as He went ahead to make a way for me. I know that He has a holy anger against sin. I think of our country and all the sin that is going on all over the Universe and it is hard to control the tongue and not let anger come forth out of our mouths. We need to put a guard on our mouth. We are the children of God and the Lord says that Vengeance is mine. I say God forgive us when we become angry. Help us to know that you are in control and will not allow sin to continue like this. I ask for forgiveness and for self control in anger when I know this is not of you. Father forgive us when we have failed you and seek our own vengeance. You are the great judge and will destroy those that do not seek for repentance in their sins. Lord you see all and know all and love us and do not wish that any of us to continue in our daily sins. The end will result in death and not life.

The seventh sin would be pride. Pride can do many things to the heart. We want to please the world and yet please God at the same time. This can not be , says the Lord. We can not serve mammon and God at the same time. We want to be the best at everything we do. We want to look our best to the world. Our best to the world would be nothing but filthy rags to the Lord. We want, want, want, and have not. We ask amiss in things as we come to you in prayer. You do not give us all things, for so many of them Father I believe would cause great swelling pride to come up into our hearts. You must be in control and not us. We would destroy ourselves if we had our own way. Give us only what will keep us humble in your sight. I know that we must learn to depend on you for everything. We must not seek our own glory. We must place you before our eyes in all things. We need to turn inward to the one who lives with in us to seek mercy and grace in all things to know how we should live. You are seated within our hearts as you have made our bodies the temple you chose to dwell in. You want holiness in our lives as you are holy. Forgive us if we are stiff necked with pride in doing this. We must bow now at your feet or at your coming in the end of time. We will give account of the sins we commit to others or in our own lives.

Lord I believe the whole world needs to repent and turn back to you. We are slowly destroying ourselves if we do not. You promised to heal our land if we repent, those especially called by your name.

There is no big sin nor little sin. All is sin in your sight. The things that are not your will become our sins.

I hope this story has made all of us think of how easily sin can creep into our lives. I bend my knees Father and repent. Sin is Sin...............I am so glad that you loved us so much to die and cover us with your precious blood and make us whiter than snow, though our sins be scarlet. You died for every future sin we all may commit. Father help me to repent when I know that I have wronged you even if at the time I knew it not. Thank you for showing us by your holy spirit the things of the spirit. Thank you chastising us to your ways because you love us.

Show us when we have sinned so that we may repent to you with a broken heart.

Written By: Karen Armstrong January 27, 2003