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Just a few. . .

Yucca, Bay, Matata, Tolkien, Dreel, Frodo, Schitz (and soon, Sadie)

My little nutters.  They're quite happy keeping me busy - and I'm quite happy to let them.  Either former strays or kittens of strays, they have truly made this house into a home.  A crowded home.
Please, come meet them.  Though I haven't many pictures yet, I hope to remedy that soon.  In the mean time, enjoy those I have.

Dreel, stalking though the snow. No more cabin fever for this little girl.


We lost Schitz June 2, 2002, to a car.  He was a lively, little boy, forever tormenting his mother, Tolkien, and sister, Dreel. 

April 4, 2000 - June 2, 2002