Directed by Irvin S. Yeaworth Jr.

Writing credits
Kay Linaker

Irving H. Millgate (story)
Plot Summary:: Indescribable... Indestructible! Nothing Can Stop It!
An alien lifeform consumes everything in its path as it grows and grows.
Steve McQueen .... Steve Andrews

Aneta Corsaut .... Jane Martin

Earl Rowe .... Lt. Dave

Olin Howland .... Old man

Alden 'Stephen' Chase .... Dr. T. Hallen

John Benson .... Sgt. Jim Bert

George Karas .... Officer Ritchie

Lee Paton .... Kate, the nurse

Elbert Smith .... Henry Martin

Hugh Graham .... Mr. Andrews

Vincent Barbi .... George (cafe owner)

Audrey Metcalf .... Elizabeth Martin

Jasper Deeter .... Civil Defense volunteer Tom Ogden

Elinor Hammer .... Mrs. Porter








İFairview Productions

İTonylyn Productions

All Rights Reserved

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