Real Name:
Callan Francis Mulvey
Actor on 'Heartbreak High'
D.O.B. - February 23, 1975
Birth Place:
Auckland, New Zealand
Contact Address:
Callan Mulvey
c/o Morrissey Management,
77 Glebe Point Road,
Glebe New South Wales
Australia 2037
When I met Callan....
I met Callan on the 6th of December, 1997. I was in the city shopping when I walked past Myer and walked past a lady who was giving out pieces of paper letting people know that he was in the building, at the time promoting 'Davenport', at the time I loved watching Heartbreak High and knew that Callan Mulvey was gorgeous but I wasn't a really big fan of his. Anyway...I found it really hard getting to the place where he was going to be signing autographs but finally ended up getting there after running up about 6 different sets of stairs in 10 minutes. We got there right on time and Callan hadn't come out yet. Everyone had cameras and they were all waiting for Cal to come out, but I didn't have one so I had to go without!! Callan finally came out in his 'Davenport' boxers and no shirt on! Everyone was screaming and taking photo's. He modelled along with some other people and then he got 'dressed' unfortunately and started signing autograph's. When I finally got to the front the guard asked me for my Davenports and I didnt know what he was talking about, he said I couldn't meet him! I was soooo angry cos I'd waited for so long but a girl behind me had 2 pairs and leant one to me just for the photo, I got my photo taken and his autograph and we talked for a while. He was sooo nice and he was not stuck up at all! He was a really nice guy..
Callan and Lara Interview
So when you first read in the script that your characters were going to snog did you secretly think, "Oh, yes"?
LARA: "No, when we started he had this skinhead and an attitude and he scared me stupid! I also had a boyfriend from back home so I wasn't thinking in those terms, but I did think he was cute."
CAL : "Yeah, I did. But it was really weird because my heart was saying 'go for it', but my mind was saying 'you can't get into anything'. So a lot of the time I was doing anything to get away from those feelings and Lara as well. So sometimes the on-screen was cool and sometimes it was justto intense"
What was your first screen kiss like?
CAL : "It was so hard because you were doing something so intimate in front of 30 or 40 people, and it's very difficult to open yourself up in those conditions. The first one was on a closed set so that helped a little. It gets easier."
LARA: "Well we were a screen couple long before we went out in real life, and things just got kind of developed. It's weird because we were so on and off for the first year of filming. I had the boyfriend and we thought working together and going out would just be too much. But trying to ignore our feelings for each other was almost impossible, so at the beggining of '97 we decided to go for it, because it wasn't going to go away!"
CAL : "It was on and off throughout the first year of filming. One day I was thinkin' 'yes' and the next 'no', so it was tough deeling with those feelings. But we decided to confront it and it's been great."
How does kissing on set differ now it's with someone you like in real life?
LARA: "It's a lot easier, I mean we just turn it on, but a screen kiss is still a screen kiss even with Cal. It's so not personal because there's a crew and you have to do it to order, time after time, so it kind of takes all the passion out of it."
CAL : "It's better, a hole lot better. And I think the show benefits as well because people can tel when actors have feelings for each other, it really comes through on the screen. It has a real magic. I mean it must be tough doing a love scene with someone you don't get on with."
Is there a danger of bringing stuff from your outside relationship into your on-screen one, and vice versa?
LARA: "Well the threat is allways there, but you just have to be professional about it. This is our job after all and you just have to be there completely for the shot. That's not to say it wouldn't hurt to do a love scene after a huge argument, but you just have to switch those feelings off and go for it."
CAL : "We don't really argue as it happens, we allways tend to just fall about laughing rather than get into anything. But sometimes it's quite good to bring things like that on to the set because you can use it to feed the amotional scenes you are doing>"
So you wouldn't eat tons of garlic before a kissing scene if you annoyed eachother?
LARA: hahaha!!! I haven't done that, but i'll remember it for the future!"
Official Heartbreak High Site
Jelenas Callan Mulvey Fan Page
More Stuff About Callan....
* Cal's first paid job was working at MacDonalds
* He lives in Sydney's Northern Beaches with his Girlfriend Lara Cox (and former on-screen girlfriend Anita)
* His Parents are Tam and Chris and he has a brother James and a sister Aroha (Aree)
* He enjoys inline skating, surfing and skateboarding in his 'very rare' free time
Wan't to ask any questions about Callan e-mail
Kelly at-