Projectile Bleeding from the Mouth!

Welcome boys and girls. Today we are going to be discussing a very interesting medical anomaly, projectile oral bleeding. Yes, that's right, bleeding from the mouth in an rather violent projectile manner. Now, this topic comes about because of I movie a saw recently with one of the coolest scenes in movie history in it. It went something like this:

Ok, ok, so maybe the blood didn't spell out "bush sucks" on the wall, but that would've been cool. If you have seen the movie, you know what I'm talking about, I mean, wow, it was an impressive display! So, how does one get this to happen? In the movie it is some sort of poison. I would love to get my hands on the poison that does that! *points up* I mean, Oh the possibilities.

I would even be tempted to drink the stuff myself so I could videotape myself doing something so cool! It would be like a lifetime dream achieved. The only problem of course is that I wouldn't live through the experience to enjoy the videotape. So, I've decided to give the poison to someone who annoys the fuck out of me! Whee! Now, I'm not going to tell you where I got this bottle…

However, in no way shape or form did I order it from E-bay. No way. That is completely false. FALSE, DAMN IT! FALSE! Now; watch as the plan unfolds...