Anime Graduation

By: Nici Jay

Y’know, watching one of your closest friends graduate is sorta like watching your favorite Anime. You learned to cry, have fun, and just plain appreciate the presence of the said friend. But when they graduate, it seems like the end, especially if you’re younger than them. You’ll no longer see them at school, eat lunch with them, and it’ll be damn hard to get a hold of short of hiring Heero Yuy to hunt them down ‘cause they’re at college.

When you get to the end of an Anime, your happy at how it ends, glad that everything has worked out (most of the time, anyway) and so on, but you want to cry because that’s the end. You can always watch Anime over again, and you can always get a hold of your friend after they graduate. But unlike Anime, your friend can take you on different adventures and the ending can come out differently. Value those closest to you, for they are your Anime that never ends.

With love to Kay

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