
Abstract : An algorithm well suited for implementation on a FPGA is developed. The algorithm distributes computation and memory requirements evenly among the processors. The algorithm integrates the ram used on to the procesor itself to achieve higher speed. It also reduces the width of the interconnections between the different stages of FFT.


Parallel pipelined FFT processors are employed to meet the growing demand of high processing rate. Highly parallel implementations obtain high computation rates but requires the simultanious distribution of all data samples. The high rate of distribution of data required to keep the processors busy is impossible to achive especially in real time applications involving word-serial data. This problem coupled with limited i/o resources in FPGAs makes the parallel algorithm inefficient.

The cascade FFT computes one transform in O(N) processing cycles, producing the o/p sequentially at the input data rate. So the cascade FFT is ideally suited for 1-dimensional real-time signal processing where data arrival is word-serial in nature. But cascade FFT requires registers organised as shift-registers between butterfly computation units with varying depths from 2 to N/2 words. Jones and Sorenson proposed an algorithm for overcoming this, in evaluating their multiprocessor architecture for FFT. Yu Tai Ma proposed an algorithm to reduce the number of twiddle factors in each processor to a minimum. These ideas with some modifications are used to design a 32-point FFT processor using multiple FPGAs.


The DFT of N-point is defined as

Xk = m=0n-1 xm. nwmk -------------------------------------------------------(1)

wnmk = exp(-j.2/N m.k)

k = 0,1,.......,N-1

N = 2n

N = N1.N2

m = N1m2 + m1

k = N2k1 + k2

N1 = 2n1

N2 = 2n2

m1,k1 = 0,1,2,3,...........,N1-1

m2,k2 = 0,1,2,3,...........,N2-1

Then eq.(1) can be expressed as

XN2k1 + k2 = m1=0N1-1 ( N1N2 Wm1(N2k1 + k2) ) m2=0N2-1 (x N1m2 + m1 . N2Wm2k2 ) --------(2)

eq.(2) can be further expressed as

YN1k2 + m1 = m2=0N2-1 (x N1m2 + m1 . N2Wm2k2 )

XN2k1 + k2 = m1=0N1-1 YN1k2 + m1 . ( N1N2 Wm1(N2k1 + k2) ) -------------------------(3)

eq.(3) can be computed easily through the FFT algorithm and (4) can be computed in a similar way as is the standard FFT algorithm. The flow for a 16-point FFT using such an algorithm is as shown in fig.(1).


Fig.1. Flow diagram for 16-point FFT


Fig.2 : Division of computations among the FPGAs

The division of computations among the FPGAs is as shown in fig.2. There are 4 independent length-4 transforms in the first 2 stages of the radix-2 decimation in time algorithm as the first part of FFT computation. The last 2 stages of 4 independent length-4 transforms form the second part.There are 4 processors at each pipeline stage and each FFT processor computes a 4 point FFT. The reduced twiddle factor tables stored are shown in table-I
























The processors used in the two pipeline stages incorporate both the twiddle factor ROM and the data RAM on the chip. The look-up table based logic in some of the commercial FPGAs makes this idea all the more efficient. Each processor is structured internally as shown in Fig.3. The single input and output buses in each processor is time shared between the different butterfly computation units for i/o of the samples and transforms.


Fig.3: Processor organisation and internal structure of FFT processors.

There is a single input[x(m)], output[X(k)] and transfer[Y(N1k2+m1)] bus time-shared between the processors. To prevent contention of the bus, data transforms are done as in Fig.4.
output bus
tranfer bus 


input bus
X1 from q2 

y4 from p0 

to q2 

x0 to p0

X9 from q2 

y5 from p1 

to q2 

x1 to p1

X5 from q2 

y6 from p2 

to q2 

x2 to p2

X13 from q2 

y7 from p3 

to q2 

x3 to p3

output bus
tranfer bus 
input bus
X3 from q3 

y12 from p0 

to q3 

x4 to p0

X11 from q3 

y13 from p1 

to q3 

x5 to p1

X7 from q3 

y14 from p2 

to q3 

x6 to p2

X15 from q3 

y15 from p3 

to q3 

x7 to p3

output bus
tranfer bus 
input bus
X0 from q0 

y0 from p0 

 to q0 

x8 to p0

X8 from q0 

y1 from p1 

to q0 

x9 to p1

X4 from q0 

y2 from p2 

to q0 

x10 to p2

X12 from q0 

y3 from p3 

to q0 

x11 to p3

output bus
tranfer bus 
input bus
X2 from q1 

y8 from p0 

 to q1 

x12 to p0

X10 from q1 

y9 from p1 

to q1 

x13 to p1

X6 from q1 

y10 from p2 

to q1 

x14 to p2

X14 from q1 

y11 from p3 

to q1 

x15 to p3

Fig. 4 : Synchronisation of data transfers for time sharing the buses.

A controller generating control signals for data transfers is used for write enables to input registers and for the mux select signals at the output of each processors. To reduce the number of control signal lines to be generated by the controller all the three tranfers, namely input, output and intermediate transefers are done with the same signals.
