"A hobby is hard work one wouldn't do for a living."

Building in 25 or 28mm for an imaginary or real location is a matter of dredging all the necessary bits together into a pile,some glue and draw up a plan.
you have to be able to move the figures around in an area and there might be more than one hand in there at times.
If a scene or area is too cluttered it will be impossible to get a game in for lack of line of sight for shooting or very little close combat because everyone is in hiding.
you have to sacrifice detail or reality for practicality.

Once the heroes swing into action you'll hardly notice the surroundings. You'll be more concerned with avoiding getting your A*** blown off.

If you can't find a building that suits your purpose even amongst the many that are available for sale, then build it from sturdy material, paint it and play. Foamboard is useful but need care when painting.
Expanded plastic or advertising board comes in white,it's flexible and you can paint it,bash it,cut it and carve it. Thicker gel-like superglue from railway shops is best for securing and as long as you aren't stuck to the model ,you're ready to slap some paint on. Spray cans are a godsend and as well as coverage you get an even finish.

Kneadatite is a brand name. It's all trial and error and the more I use the more I learn. A lot of results are hideous and destined to become dead or wounded markers.
just occasionally, it pays off and the real beauty of it is, it's all yours and no-one has one like it. When the 'Pros' like the Perry Brothers produce a master and it's good
Like, really good. And they have to give it up to be reproduced thousands of times losing it's originality.
I'm going to ask them some time if it hurts to let it go.
enough sentimentality. I mount an electrical wire armature on a penny and work the green stuff on until the body looks correct. Then you start adding clothing. milliput can be useful to make 'formers' for torsos,leg parts,arms etc. then add thin sections of green stuff over them to give the body some detail,clothing,equipment and texture. I can't do faces.
maybe only two successes in three years.
So these faceless ninjas were a viable project. But taking a head off another metal figure and building it onto a new body is a possible solution for me. the professional sculptors must have eyes of an eagle or a magnifying glass like a bass drum. I'm impatient by nature and waiting a day or so for the model to harden to dry completely is agony.
then it's a undercoat and paint as usual. the drawback is the weight. the stability of a cast metal figure and the strength isn't there and this fragile creation can suffer. So be it. The next one made might be better and i'm learning all the time.

Moving on from milliput into working with green stuff was scary at first as it sets in minutes whereas Milliput stays flexible and workable for almost an hour. once it's in place and you're happy with it, it's a relief that it does set so hard so fast and it won't need propping up all night.

Even it you make a mistake there's always a file or a craft knife can clean it up, cut off an arm, a leg, heads etc...and rebuild. the standing ninja looks deformed from the back so he needs a little cutting back and adding on. If the operation is a success he may return to this very page, a new man. right now he couldn't cut the skin off off a rice pudding.
I'm down to my last inch and a half of green stuff so there's maybe only two more attempts left at a new figure.I thought to add to Cherry blossoms' family with another geisha or two. A baby sister, a grandfather and a younger brother to dress out street scenes or deceive the opposition. there's nothing better than drawing the attention away and allowing the real agent a free run at an objective or target.
That way her enemies in a game won't know which one to combat right away.Or maybe a seven year old japanese child with a dolly.... containing poison darts and shuriken, leaping in to attack your kneecaps with spinning numchucks. watch this space.
Pictures of cherry Blossoms' sister, Pearl A bah, on the green stuff page.Links below.
Adding figures with green stuff

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Pictures from adventure games
Darkest africa campaign