awww... its the old picture... I miss angry Keesh kitty, don't you? WEIRD! This is EXACTLY how I look today... O_o
Hi all, and welcome to SwimmingTrunks' Original Kitty Gallery! Here is where I post all the original kitties requested by you, drawn by me. These are kitties of characters you have made up (stress on the YOU HAVE MADE UP part). Note: Just like the other Original Kitty Galleries, this is a Gallery, and not an adoption page. These kitties belong to the peeps who requested them, and no one else. We at the kitty pages ask you to respect this, and not to take any kitties. If you want your own Original Kitty, see the Guidelines & Rules. We'll be happy to make one for you!

Last Updated: 2/25/02 Wow... exactly two months from the last update, and still no new kitties. Well, there's a reason for that! My dad tried installing a new hard drive, and it kinda... fell through. Anyway, we're pretty much done getting all our stuff uploaded again. I have one... er two... er... one PAIR of kitties to do before my lines open again.

Heh... that got your attention, didn't it? Well, when the hardrive thing fell through, I also lost all the e-mail in my inbox. Wait, you say to yourself. Doesn't ST have a YAHOO e-mail account?! What is she talking about?!!! Well, I use a pop3 thingiemabober to dl my e-mail right on to my hardrive, so it doesn't take up space in the inbox. What the heck is ST's point, you ask? Well, if you had requested a kitty and haven't received one yet, and you still want that kitty, you're going to have to re-e-mail the request after my lines open once again. Thank you for your patience, and sorry for taking up your time.

Artists Comment (AC): Ist ever Kitty! Yay! Well, the position is kinda stiff, and its small compared to the others...  but....AC: This continues to be one of my favorites, despite the lack of a tail... *sweatdrop*AC: Well, didn't like this one at first, but it is one of my better ones... In fact, its climbing up the list of my favorites...
Sylika Kitty
Sakauroi Kitty
PlutoChild Kitty

AC: Always has been one of my favorites, always will be. I love those eyes! And the position came out really well too...Everyone says this one looks like me... BTW, if the person who requested this is out there, Gomen! For some reason, I can't e-mail you...Someways I like this one, but the tail's too stiff and the hair just isn't how I wanted it to be..
Hotsumo Kitty
Kosmo Kitty
Jenni Kitty

This is everyone's fav! And I can't understand why... forgot the tail again, and I dunno, just looks more like a rat than a kitty to me... but a cute rat!Cute... I can't really do SM style, so it was good for me...Ah, I love the shading on this one! I think dealing with a blue/grey scale is really good for me... Fun dress! Wheee!
Britasha Kitty
Sailor Solaris Kitty
Shleya Kitty

Doesn't it look like Josie from Josie and the pussycats? Anyway, I think it's cute... ^_^I swear, this was the easiest Kitty I have ever done. There was like a two page description, and it paid off ^_^ Aint she cute?AWWWW! One of my faves... so Kawaii!

Emi C. Kitty
Casey Kitty
Alex Kitty

She doesn't seem to have hands... but I like her shirt, and her hair, and the expression on her face... but her hands are like, not there. *sweatdrop*Kawaii! I love the jeans! But I forgot how I did that.... *sweatdrop*
Andrea Kitty
Phynix Kitty

My first pair! Erik's hair was so fun to do!!!! It looks like FIRE! Wheee!                  Oooo... evil... I like... The purple may be a little too purple, though. But definately evil-looking *grins*
Erik and Lune Solare Kitties! (They're siblings)
           Kana Kitty!

2nd pair.... Some of the shading's so-so, but other than that, kawaii!ERg... my scanner was being mean, thus the icky background.... and the shirt had a lot better quality in my paint program... I like the hair, and I've now found a way to cut back on tracing time: don't! *laughs*
Crystal (left) and Shard (right) Kitties!
Kokopelli Kitty!

Done with the gallery?
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