My Tripod Page
Writer's and Artist's Guidelines

AC is actively seeking both writers and artists. If you possess either skill and would like to contribute material, you will not be turned away. If you are an artist without a writer (or vice versa) AC will make an attempt to pair you off with somebody whose work is acceptable to you.

For the most part, we would like to see superhero (or at least superhuman) oriented material, but there is room for other genres. If you have an idea, please contact us.

At a minimum, please check your work with a spell check program (unless it’s art, of course). It’s an unfortunate fact that most people will not seriously consider your material if misspelled words and grammar mistakes plague it. If you are more comfortable with British standard spelling and word usage (“armour” instead of “armor,” for example), this represents absolutely no problem. If those of us who happen to be “yanks” misconstrue a word occasionally, you can simply laugh at us and point out the fact that Americans are the ones using a variant of real English, not the other way around.

Because AC is meant to be a shared universe with its own continuity, your work will need to be coordinated so that it does not conflict with that of others. When you are creating don’t sweat this aspect too much. If alterations are necessary, they will be suggested to you. However, none of your work will be altered and used without your permission.

You will retain ownership of any characters and/or stories you create, although you may grant this to AC if you so desire. Otherwise AC will have a “limited license” to use your characters.

It is suggested that you write up guidelines for your characters if you are willing to allow other authors to have them appear in their own stories. This is so that the characters will be handled in a manner that is consistent with your vision for them.

Any and all artwork is appreciated, whether it’s a character sketch or a full-blown comic. The end goal is to present actual comics, or at least words and pictures combined to tell a story.

If your artwork is not on par with that of professional comic artist’s, I may suggest that you allow me or another artist to rework it a bit. You are not under any obligation to agree to this and the offer, if made, is not intended to insult you. You retain ownership of your artwork, even if another artist enhances it.

In some cases your art may be excellent, but a certain computer effect may have the potential to make it even better (i.e. light effects for a burst of energy or a blur to represent motion). This sort of thing may be done either at your request or with your permission.

Our goal is to present original material. To that end, we will have to politely decline if you submit fiction or art featuring characters owned by other companies (e.g. Spider Man, Super Man, Dr. Who, etc). Your work can be derivative to a certain degree (practically all comics are), but calling your super team “The Uncanny X-Women” would be crossing the line. If you’ve ever seen the Aurora-verse site, most of what appears there is borderline, but would probably be acceptable.

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