Rainey's Virtual Krycek Clone Island
(A subsidiary of D.I.S.R.O.B.E.)
Welcome to my Fantasy Island!
Hello there! Don't worry about that authority thing much. Mine is barely recognized and it's my island. Anyway, my name is Rainey. I am your hostess and reining monarch, mistress, whatever here at the island. To make navigating easier I have changed to a frames format. However, for those of you who don't care for frames or are still using a browser that doesn't support frames I've left the old version almost as it was. So come on in the clones don't bite. (Unless you ask them to.) Choose your format and you're on your way. Do enjoy your visit but please don’t arm the clones.
The original images belong to Fox but the collage work was done by me.
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Disclaimer: The X-Files belong to Fox and 1013 productions. I am making no money from this endeavor. Just having a little fun. Highlander belongs to Rysher. I don't own them either.