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For the Birds

Birds are a gardner's best friend!!

One of the things I've always enjoyed is watching birds, etc in my yards.  I can remember as a child scattering bread crumbs, left over popcorn, etc. on my family's front lawn.  We did it all throughout the year, but especially in the winter.  During the winter months, my grandfather felt sorry for the birds and wanted to make sure they had food.  But, although we didn't have birdhouses, or even bird feeders, it was still an amazing and wonderful time spent with my grandfather.  And, it was during those years that I fell in love with birds.
Now, I'm grown, married and a mother of two.  And, not  only do I enjoy gardening, but I enjoy many types of wildlife too.  Recently, I wanted my boys to get an understanding of the role that birds play in our environment, and I chalked it up to an excellent homeschooling lesson as well.  But, being a gardner, I didn't really want to just scatter seed ANYWHERE, who knows what might start growing.  And, I also wanted to spend quality time with my boys bonding with them.  I envisioned us setting up bird feeders, bird houses, etc.  But, when I went looking for kits, or worse yet...completed projects, often the price was outrageous.  One site I visited want $105 for a bird feeder!!  Granted, it was a cute design...BUT!!!!!!!  Definately not in my budget.
We are also an "eco" friendly family.  Recycling is a great way to cut costs, and benefit the earth.  So, I went searching...and searching.  And...I found something!  A few "eco" friendly solutions for the birds.  Enjoy!! 

Bird Feeders

Birdie Cooking

Bird Houses

Bird Baths

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