Ernest Fairchild's metamorphosis into Evil Ernie began when he manifested telepathic powers as a child. His new ability to 'hear' the thoughts of others and sometimes even even affect others with his mind confused him, causing him to become unusually withdrawn. Ernest Fairchild was born with telepathic gifts to abusive parents. Suffering both from being unusual and abused, Ernest was withdrawn from the world of the living, in which no one did anything to intervene against his parents' cruel actions. His parents, ever mindful of how Ernest's withdrawal would reflect on their good name, took the boy in for psychiatric treatment. It was Dr. Leonard Price who the parents hired to 'help' their son. An idealistic new Doctor with a flair for technological innovation, Price didn't realize the abusive cause of Ernest's behavior. He thus decided to use an experimental dream probe to cure Ernie. |
But because of his telepathic abilities, the dream probe created a connection between Ernest's mind and the Endless Graveyard and introduced Ernie to Lady Death . She had been searching for a boy like Ernie to carry out her plans on Earth for a long time. She promised to love him forever if he did. It also increased Ernest's telepathic powers to such a degree that he could hear the thoughts of all his neighbors, thoughts which plainly showed they had no intentions of ever helping Ernie.
Released from Price's care, Ernest was once again abused by his parents, but this time, he fought back. He murdered his abusive parents and went on to murder 35 of his neighbors. Captured and judged insane, the 'Domino Killer', as Ernie was dubbed by the press, was placed in the care of Dr. Price at the Clearview Mental Institution.
Five years later, a brilliant medical researcher, Dr. Mary Young, attempted to cure Ernie using her experimental device, Neurotech, which had been designed to purge a psychopath's killing urge - changing him into a citizen ready for socialization. Despite Price's warnings against it, she used it on Ernest Fairchild. Dr. Mary Young's device completed the task which the dream probe had started, and Ernest Fairchild died that day. But thanks to Lady Death, the teenager was granted the gift of undeath. Hence forth known as Evil Ernie, the youth had become a leather clad, wild haired emissary of death with the power to telepathically reanimate the dead. He arose to begin a killing spree in the mental institute which continued on to the suburbs. It took the combined efforts of his two psychiatrists to destroy his physical body, but his soul lived on in the deep recesses of Commissioner Stone's mind.
During a trial in Washington, D.C., Dr. Price was driven to murder Commissioner Stone, an action which allowed Ernie to warp the dead Commissioner's body into his own. More powerful than ever, Evil Ernie's quest for Mega-death began in earnest. Washington fell first, followed by the entire east coast. Ernie stopped there to relocate Lady Death, who had not visited him in his dreams for a time. He succeeded in finding her and bringing her to Earth, but the reunion was short lived, and Lady Death was lost to him forever. Angry and lonely, Evil Ernie is now on a quest of wholesale destruction using nuclear arms. If successful, all life will be wiped out and Lady Death will return to him.