"Sadness, by Enigma"

Greetings All. I've had a lot of questions and many concerned people contacting me to tell me something is wrong with my website. I figured I would take a few minutes to explain why I have purposefully removed my site.

There have been many changes in my life over the past year, one of which was discovering that Wicca and Paganism had not filled an empty spiritual void inside of me. As many of you know, I had been a High Priestess, active in the Pagan community, ran a coven, and ran this website among other things. Nothing seemed to fill that void. I tried to ignore what my heart knew, that I was on the wrong path spiritually.

No, no one brainwashed me. No one forced me into anything. I was asked to go to church with my parents, so I went... and believe it or not, I had a GREAT time! It was like no church I had ever been to. No one looked down their noses at me, people just loved. There was no one telling me how evil I was even though they were full aware that I was a witch. There was also never any pressure. Over a while of going and really enjoying the people and the environment, I gave my life to Christ Jesus.

I'm not going to preach at you now, and tell you how evil paganism is and witchcraft is. I can, however, tell you my story, and show you how much better my life has become since I gave it to the Lord! My husband has been healed of his deafness, I have been healed of back problems and migraines, our marriage has really grown and improved to a deeper level of love and caring than I ever thought possible, we moved safely to a new city in a new state... I could go on for hours about the great things that have happened, but most of all, there is peace and love beyond what I ever imagined.

As a witch I worked with quite a bit of energy, and in pagan circles was considered to be quite powerful and prominent in what I could do. Let me tell you something, I have never seen as much energy and felt as much since I learned about the Holy Spirit and saw His energy fill the room of over 20,000 people, rushing around like a flood! Not even the strongest node came close to this power! Most of all, it flooded me and everyone else there with awe and love! The power of a witch is but a drop in the bucket (if that) compared to the Holy Spirit! What I dealt with for 8 years combined could not match the Holy Spirit, or even be in His shadow! I tell you this so you can get a frame of reference of the awe and wonder of the Holy Spirit!

Now I know that many of you have been burned by Christianity in many different forms and different denominations. Many have seen hypocrisy in people and in various churches. I understand that. Remember, I've been there! I was burned just like you. I realize now that I was in a "spiritually dead church" where God was not in charge. Even the Bible speaks of those kind of "luke warm" churches and how Jesus spews them from His lips. I'm not suggesting your return to that kind of a church. I would suggest that you find a Holy Spirit filled church that is fully Bible based and believes in the active power of the Holy Spirit. Check it out, what harm could it bring you? Just have as open a mind as you want people to have in reference to Paganism. Just give it a test run, put your feet in the water for a little while so to speak, and just watch around you and see what happens. If it doesn't happen for you right off, don't give up, just check out a different church! When you find one that is "Spritually Alive" you will know it!

I have a new site up now, where I share my story more in full. I would encourage you to visit it. Again, please come with an open mind. You might just be amazed!

"For I did not come into the world to condemn the world, but so that the world through Me might be saved" - Jesus Christ

Remember, you may have walked a million steps away from Jesus Christ, but its only one step back!


God Bless

Lady SongSpring Ishanna

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