Pleasanton Ridge Letterboxes
Pleasanton Ridge Letterboxes

Boxes 1 through 6 have now been placed

This is a string of boxes along the length of Pleasanton ridge. The park is several miles long and there is (at time of writing) only one point of access- at the southern end of the park. Times and mileages given are cumulative. For example Box 1 will take about 1.5 to 2 hours if you turn back after finding that box. If you find boxes 1-4 you will cover 9.6 miles and take about 5-6 hours round trip.

The trail head is at the Oak Tree staging area off of Foothill road south of Castlewwod Drive.

The first part of this hike is steep.

Box 1 Olive Grove

2.5 miles (approx 1.5-2 hours) round trip for this box

From parking area take Oak Tree trail to the Woodland trail. Follow the Woodland trail to top of ridge and through the gate until it intersects the ridgeline trail. Follow ridgeline trail looping around the hill to the olive grove trail. Then follow olive grove trail until you come to the first olive grove on right. From the tree in the NW corner count 4 trees south along trail and 3 trees east, in from trail. Look in the hollow tree.

UPDATE: The hole in the olive tree has gotten deeper in the six years since the box was placed. The box is wrapped in camouflage tape that has turned dirt brown over the years. I have attached some bailing wire to the box and left the free end sticking outside the side of the hole (there is a sort of slot on the western side of the hole). Find the wire (rusty) and pull, up and out of the hole, and the box should follow.

Box 2 Thermal Fruit Company

5.5 miles round trip (aproxinmately 2.5 hours)

Continue on olive trail and follow signposts to the short connector leading to the thermalito trail.

Follow the Thermolito trail north . Pass a long narrow watering hole to the right below a steep dropoff. Pass trail marker 15
Just past trail marker 17 on a minor trail you will see a standing dead tree with hole in base. Trail marker 17 is in sight at 84 deg magnetic from dead tree.

Box 3 Blue Oak Knoll

Approximately 8 miles round trip (3- 4 hours)

Follow Thermalito trail to Augustin Bernal park. Enter the park and contiue on to intersection with the ridgline trail. Follow Ridgline Trail north. pass around hill. On right is a small trail to the top of Blue Oak Knoll

At top of Blue oak Knoll there is a bench facing SSW. From that bench retrace 40 steps back along the trail to the crest of the hill. Then go 30 steps along 265 deq magnetic to the fallen limb of an oak. On NNW side of limb is a small hollow branch. Inside is what you seek.


For Boxes 4, 5 and 6 be sure to bring plenty of water. There is no drinking water after Bernal park

Last water on trail is right before trail marker 21 in Bernal park

Box 4 Live Oak

10 miles round trip (approximately 5-6 hours)

From Box 3 return to and follow ridgeline trail north to junction with Bay Leaf trail (marker 26) Follow Bay Leaf trail WSW 120 steps as it traverses an open area and enters a woods. At step 235, as the trail curves to the left you will see a 3 trunk tree on the right side of trail. To the right of that tree is a 2 1/2 trunk tree. Look in the hollow part of that tree.

Box 5 Wild Rose

13 miles round trip (approximately 7 hours )
Trail is somewhat steep between box 4 and 5

From box 4 continue on
Bay leaf trail ends at trail marker 25
Take the Right hand Sinbad creek trail up hill
260 steps past trail marker 27 see the only oak tree on left of trail
take 37 steps from that tree on 20 deg magnetic to oak tree with hollow at base of dead branch.
The box is at the base of that tree under bark and wood.

Box 6 turtle Creek

15 miles round trip (approximately 8 hours)

From box 5 continue on Sindbad creek trail
Take a U turn at trail marker 28
Go right at 29
215 steps past trail marker 30 on Sinbad
You should arrive at the crest of a hill between 2 trees
Look left at the top of the hill you will see a grouping of boulders and trees
From the largest boulder in the center of the grouping take 18 steps at 232 deg to a small tree between two boulders. Look under nearest boulder.

Pleasanton Ridge This is a Link to the East Bay Regional Parks' page for Pleasanton Ridge
Hunt this box at your own risk.


Letterboxing, like any outdoor sport, carries the risk of unforeseen hazards. "Letterboxing North
America" supports a policy of not knowingly placing letterboxes in areas that will create undue risk to the
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those conditions, and to conduct oneself safely and responsibly with respect to those conditions and with
respect to his or her personal abilities and limitations. "Letterboxing North America" and the individual
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