rubber duckie adoption.
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rubber duckie adoption.
rubber duckie adoption.
about the agency. welcome to the rubber duckie adoption agency here you can recive the html to add your own pet rubber duckie to your page.the rubber duckie adoption agency was though of by: atm.

how to adopt
send email to
atm and include your handle, your email address, your website url, the tittle of your page and the name for your rubber duckie. then copy the following html code and paste it somewhere on your page. i will check up on your web site, if you have not placed your rubber duckie on your page we will removed you from the list.

html code

<center><img src=""><br><font size=1> meet "my rubber duckie's name" <br>adopt your own rubber duckie <a href="" target="_blank">rubber duckie adoption. </a></center>

rubber duckie owners.
| owner | site name | duckies name. |
atm atm's page duckie.
viper viper online jello.
express vb express page bastard.