U.S. Constitution:
- Fourth
- Fifth
- Sixth
- Eighth
- Criminal
Law News from Law Journal
- Criminal
Law Firm Memos at
Law Journal EXTRA.
Law Enforcement Bulletin
- Foreign
Corrupt Practices Act Examines various
provisions of the FCPA which was enacted in 1977,
largely in response to disclosures in the early
1970's of questionable payments by large
companies. From McGuire, Woods, Battle &
Boothe, LLP.
- "Friends"
Raping Friends -- Could it Happen to You?
- Forensic
Media Journal reports on case uses
of technology in the courtroom pertaining mainly
to demonstrative evidence and multimedia
- Forensic
Psychiatry On-Line
- Government
Enforcement from Hale and Dorr
("white collar crime")
- If
You Get Busted and Know
Your Rights by Waring Fincke, a
criminal defense lawyer
- The
International Journal of Drug Testing: Published
by USF-St. Petersburg
- Journal
of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture
- Juvenile
Justice and Gun Control Articles by
Markus Funk.
- Optimal
Penalties for Concealment of Crime by
Tim Stanley
- The
Police Law Review - A monthly legal
update featuring reviews of recent appellate
decisions of interest to law enforcement
- Prison
Legal News Reports on court
decisions affecting prisoners and contains
information designed to help prisoners vindicate
their rights in the judicial system.
- Radar
Detectors, Fixed and Variable Costs of Crime by
Tim Stanley - how raising the sanction may
actually lead to more crime using the Becker
economic crime model.
- The
Role of Criminal Profiling in the Development of
Trial Strategy This
article outlines the specific benefits of the
deductive criminal profiling process to the
development of trial strategy in terms of
objectivity, evidence analysis, offender fantasy/
motivation, state of mind, MO and signature
- Sample
Criminal Law Briefs from Cox & Cox, a
Massachusetts law firm.
- Sample:
Memorandum re RICO Liability
- War
on Drugs Articles information on how
citizens can protect themselves from during
- The
Unwarranted Warrant: The Waco Warrant and the
Decline of the Fourth Amendment examines
the Waco search warrant, and Supreme Court
decisions lowering search warrant standards. By
David B. Kopel and Paul H. Blackman, Hamline
Journal of Public Law and Policy (1996).