
The Legal Pad collects and makes class outlines available for down loading. The files are arranged by class designation and instructor name. Although the Legal Pad has tried to assemble the best possible outlines, no warranties exist as to the accuracy of the information they contain. Use them at your own risk, and do not rely on them for legal advice. As the outlines all have been written by law students only and the outlines may contain inaccurate information. No professors have contributed any of the outlines listed. Usage of these outlines are also subject to the terms of our disclaimer. Furthermore, some law schools have policies that permit law students to take outlines into final exams so long as the student actually wrote the outline.

Ethical Note:

Although some instructors allow the use of outlines during tests, they always stipulate that the outlines can only be used if the student made a "significant" contribution to the outline's content. Use of a down loaded file absent alteration during an open book test may violate school policy and result in severe disciplinary actions. Also, none of the following outlines are commercial and The Legal Pad will not accept or post commercial outlines for dissemination. If your law school has such a policy,you are expressly prohibited from representing any of the outlines contained in this archive as your own. If you are not sure of your law school's policy, you should contact the appropriate administrative staff at your school. Lastly, these outlines are not copyrighted, all outlines are donated by students.

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