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More Lilly 2002
Here are some more pictures of our baby.

Lilly seems to enjoy laying on the back of our leather couch.  We think it is a bit odd.

Kind of smiling for the camera, maybe she is getting ready to bark...she doesn't like the camera too much.

Lilly made a pee-pee on the floor and got scolded, so she us pouting.  She does not like going out to pee when it is raining out.  So she peed several times on the floor tonight.  Luckily, she only did it once on the carpet, which was just steam cleaned the other day mind you.

Usually she is very good about letting us know she needs to go out.  But if it is raining, she would rather go on the floor.  Is she spoiled or what?

taken 7/5/02
Lilly has decided she likes to nap on top of her crate.  Who knows why?  I swear, we need to make an appointment with the "Pet Psychic" to figure out what goes through her mind.

Lilly had a good 4th of July.  She got to play with her cousin Jazzman (a Pug pup) and especially liked running around the yard without being tied on her run (we don't have a fenced yard at home yet, but her papa does!).  Anyway, by the time the fireworks started she was pretty tuckered out.  She sat in her special chair (we said she was spoiled right, we brought her favorite camping chair) and when the fireworks went up into the sky and floated down to earth, she watched just like a kid would.  We were very surprised she wasn't spooked by the noises, especially since she barks at everything from the lawn mower to the electric drill!  We got home fairly late and didn't feel up to setting her crate back up (we had brought it along just in case), so Lilly got to sleep on the couch!  She was out of it, I don't think she moved from that spot until 10:30am this morning!  It took her until past noon to eat her breakfast, but by 7:00pm she was back to her old playful self!