Minutes of Linda Vista Planning Committee for May 20, 2002

Meeting called to order at 7p.m. by Chair Ed Cramer

Kearny High School Army Junior R.O.T.C. Color Guard Unit presented the colors. The Chair led pledge of Allegiance.

Roll call was conducted: Donald Wetzel and Jim Horsley were absent and outgoing members Doug Beckham and Pat Buckmaster were also absent. Alfreida Jackson was excused.

33 people were present

New board members were seated.

Election of officers:

Wayne Bamford from nominating committee nominated Ed Cramer for Chair of the Committee, Rob Spahitz seconded the motion. All voted in favor.
Wayne nominated Don Wetzel for Vice Chair and Rick Bussell seconded the motion. Don was elected with one abstention
There were no nominations for Secretary
Wayne nominated Julie Duenez for office of Treasurer, Rick Bussell seconded the nomination. All voted in favor of her nomination.

Police Officer recognition: Officers Derek Miller and Todd Binney were honored. The offices worked many hours painting out graffiti before the LV Multi-cultural fair. Thanks officers.

Nicole Capretz from Councilmember Donna Frye's office reported that $600,000 from CDBG funds was allocated to Linda Vista Projects. The Silver Terrace Park will be complete by April of 2003.

She suggested that we write a letter to State Legislators to push up the turfing projects at Carson and Montgomery to the top of the list for potential funding.

Also suggested that the committee write a letter to Donna Frye concerning the proposed traffic signal on Glidden Street. The letter should contain the committee's recommendation.

Donna Frye's office will mail letter to all residents explaining what they can do to reduce graffiti and procedures for removal.

Code Compliance will do 6 Neighborhood cleanups throughout the coming year. Jo-Ann Carini reported that 740 tons of trash has been removed from Linda Vista over the past several years.

Wayne Bamford and Gail Cole reported on the conference that they attended on Development Abuse on April 27th.

Victoria Cole, associate traffic engineer at 619-533-3090 talked about synchronizing the traffic lights on Linda Vista Road. Some residents reported that the walk signal does not give people time to cross the street. She reported that Linda Vista may not be appropriate for synchronization but is looking for direction from the committee.

Mission Valley YMCA issue was taking off the agenda. The Y's Gymnastics Center lost its lease.

Landscape Maintenance Assessment District report from Jo-Ann Carini. The Trees that are too tall will be removed within time and trees with lower canopies will replace them. Trees will be trimmed as needed.
There will be a vote soon to increase the assessment for landscaping along Linda Vista Road.

Signal on Glidden and Linda Vista Road:
Roy Hughes made a motion that a letter be written to Donna Frye supporting a traffic signal at Glidden and Lind Vista Road. Twelve voted in favor and 2 voted against.

Compact Report: Mike O'Brien reported
Wayne Bamford made a motion to support the letter written by the Compact and Gail Cole Seconded the motion. It passed with no opposition. The motion was to support a draft of letter written by COMPACT. The letter is in response to proposed changes in City policy regarding a permit to allow angle parking without sending the request to City Council. COMPACT letter supported the changes with the following conditions: "angle parking should be on side of street in which traffic is traveling downhill..."

Tecolote Canyon report: Rob Spahitz. The Nature Center will be expanding with the work completed by end of next year.

Collection for meeting was $20.00 $10.95 to Jo-Ann for treats and $2.60 to Xiongh Thao for batteries was taken out of the collection.

Minutes of last meeting were approved with following corrections: Workshop on Development Abuse was held on April 27, 2002

There were 9 candidates for five seats at large and not 8

Gary Stang... including paving a portion of the former gas station lot rather than "paving the former gas station lot."

Meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. about.

Respectfully submitted by Grover Diemert, acting Secretary