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Other fanfics by Me
Very important news, please read:
What's Going on?
Alright! This includes... :
Heroic Adventures of Arislan
Ranma 1/2
The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest
The Song of the LIoness (by Tamora Pierce)

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Heroic Adventures of Arislan / Arslan Senki - I've seen the OAVs volumes 1-4 and have read around on webpages. I may try for the manga volumes soon, but I'm not completely sure. Fav characters are Narsus and Gieve, and I like Narsus&Daryoon pairing a lot. ^_^ Certainly still a lot for me to learn from this series but I'm afraid RoninBrat has gotten me into the mood for writing a fic. ;;^^

<untitled at this point> - A link to the site where the fic has it's special page. ;;^^ Yes, I go by the name Gwen Goch for fics dealing w/ this series. ;;^^ Go have a look-see, but my warning is that the fic is/will-be yaoi and/or shonen-ai.

Song of the Lionness (By Tamora Pierce) - This author's books are absolutely amazing! I've always been in love with the books about Alanna, George, Jonathan, and Sir Myles.... of course there's many more characters than that! But these are the stories I know practically by heart (some parts word-for word!). So, I have some attempts at fanfiction below...

Untitled, Unfinished Alanna - This takes place in the latter part of book three (The Woman Who Rides Like A Man) and totally alters the story line. ;;^__^ Coram, Alanna, and Faithful still head to George after Jon and Alanna's fight in the desert but something's going on with Alanna.... what is it? And what's made her run away? [ongoing] .... Angst probably, some out-of-characterness but not extremely so, totally altering the timeline! :D

Zorro- this series I am very familiar with. The newer live action movie, the book, Disney's live action TV series... and one or two of the other movies. Still... ::sighs:: this was early on in my writing so the style isn't to my exact taste. Semi-OOC to Wildly-OOC.
An Equal Match - my Zorro story. Takes place somewhere in Disney's live action series. [completed

Real Adventures of Jonny Quest- okaies... I'm not 'new' to the series anymore but I'm still not completely in-touch with the characters. Watch for OOC-ness.
Is This Love? - prologue the next (unfinished) story. Jonny and Jessie are kidnapped
and they expierce a few things along the way... (sorta typical storyline. gomen). [completed]

Impossible Love? - The main story, or sequel, to "Is This Love?". Impossible love
has a lot of confusion when Race and Benton are called away and the 'kids' are left
alone. Will Jonny quit being sorry for himself and get his act together? Or will he let
Jessie slip away? [ongoing]

Ranma 1/2- I've just barely scratched the survace of the series but I've looked up a bit on a few characters. Still am learning but this was at a point my writing style was changing -- for the better! It's not as horrible as I first thought and I'd like some feedback. I'm attempting another Ranma 1/2 but I'm not sure when that'll get out. Watch for OOC.
Truthful Feelings - my one and only completed Ranma 1/2 story. A songfic to Venessa Williams'
"Save the Best For Last". Kinda sappy... not my favorite fic but I wrote this one
while trying to get ideas for another fic that I've started for Ranma (not getting anywhere
though...;;^__^) [complete]