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[L] Liquor Clan


Welcome to our Clan's homepage! Here you can find out about our members, our clan matches, and how you can become a member of this clan!

Hey folks....The [L] website is coming to an end....."No cap say it isn't so!" Well its true...but, It's only making room for the new website which will hopefully launch soon...till then u may come here for updates on the new site which will be jam packed full of media, flash(no not girls flashing...well maybe)
and lots of other cool things that can be done to a check back often to see the progress...till then peace out!

Notice: We do not Condone the selling to, or the consumption of alcohol to any person under the age of 21

This site is in no way afliltated with Pierre Smirnoff, Captain Morgan, Absolut, Barcardi, or Jim Beam. All tradmarks are property of Pierre Smirnoff, Captain Morgan, Absolut, Bacardi, and Jim Beam... So please do not sue me...Thanks^^
Hey don't forget to sign our guestbook and tell us what ya think of the site!

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