Links to Herpes Information
Lots of information, and links to really good information. Also has a very popular Chat Site.
Barts picture page
You can go see some pictures of people online that have something in common with you.
The Herpes Home Page
Another web site with lots of information, and links.
This is the American Social Health Assoc. Has a helper magazine and how to get it, plus sample articles and back issues.

Links to sites about Genital Warts.
Site where you can meet an online community of over 2000 people with Genital Warts. It also has a buletin board to post information, and messages. There is a Chat Room on this site that seems to be pretty active.
HPV results from the mother of all search engines "MAMMA"
Navigate several informative links about HPV from this one link.

Ohio friends | Nashville friends | Knoxville friends
Indianapolis friends
| Cincinnati friends | HPV friends

Louisville friends homepage

If you find a useful link to a site on Herpes or Genital Warts please send it to me and I'll post it here with the others.