Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon or any of the characters of the Pokemon Anime They are all property of Nintendo, GameFreak, KidsWB, 4kids entertainment and etc.  I do use an idea I got from Misty Waterflower AKA Sara which is the idea of Misty becoming a member of Team Rocket Thanks Misty Waterflower I really appreciate the idea you gave me. 

This takes place after all the leagues Indigo through Star The Prologue and the first about one-and-a-half Chapters the ages are as follows  




Daria Ketchum-35 


James-21 Cassidy-21 


 The second half of Chapter two and all the rest of the Chapters the ages are as follows:   




Daria Ketchum-38





 I wrote another story similar to this but I accidentally deleted it. So Read on and Enjoy.  "The Great Mystery Revealed:Does Ash have a father?" by me AshK Rating PG to PG-13 Category Romance AAMRN. Anyway on with the story: Prologue: The Two Newest Star League Champions and Pokemon Masters. The Girls division of the League. "The Green Trainer is Misty Williams from Cerulean City ." The announcer said.  "Okay Misty calls Golduck(Author's note Yes Psyduck did Evolve.)go" Misty said.  "Come on Misty I know you can do it come on go for it Misty." Ash yelled to the Girl that he secretly was in Love with but hadn't told her yet. "A Golduck huh well it is a risk but Scizor you are my only hope." The opposing Trainer said as she sent out a Pokeball.  "Oh right Scizor use your wing attack now." The trainer said. "Dodge it Golduck and come back it with a Confusion attack followed by a Hyper Beam." Misty shouted. After Confusion has confused the Scizor it tried to attack but hurt it self in its confusion. "Oh no Scizor don't give up." Misty's opponent shouted to her Pokemon. But it was still confused and then "Golduck finish Scizor off with your Hyper Beam Attack." Misty shouted.  The Hyper Beam hit Scizor causing it to faint since Misty's opponent was out of usable Pokemon Misty won the Match and Pokemon Master Title of the Girls Division.  "Scizor is unable to fight Golduck is the winner the battle and the match go to Green Trainer Misty Williams from Cerulean City." The annuncer shouted.  "Next battle the Star league Boys division Championship for best Male Pokemon Master." The announcer said.  "The Green Trainer is Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town." The announcer shouted "Come on Ash you can do it I know you can Go Ash go." Misty shouted to the boy she was secretly in love with but did not have the guts to tell him.  A few battles went on and Ash won everyone of them and now the final Battle. "The challenger is using a Fearow what will Ash Ketchum use." The announcer asked. "Hmmm Let's see Fearow should be weak against Electric Types Go Pikachu!" Ash shouted. "Pika!(right!)Pikachu said. "Fearow Fury Attack" The challenger said. "Pikachu use your Double Team Attack to confuse it and then use your Agility to Dodge the Attacks." Ash ordered. Pikachu did just that after confusing the Fearow and making it dizzy the Fearow could not attack because it was confused.  "Alright Pikachu finish it off with Thunder Spin Now" Ash said.(Thuder Spin is just like Fire Spin except it is an electric attack that I made up).  The Thunder Spin finished off the Fearow causing it to faint which ended the match "The winning Trainer is the Green Trainer Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town he is the Pokemon Master of the Boy's division now the final battle The Girl's Champ Misty versus the Boys champ Ash for Championship. Wait a minute I have just been informed that the Two Division Champs are not required to battle Each other because they have already been declared Pokemon Masters.  Ash and Misty were relieved that they didn't have to battle Each other because of how they felt so they were both declared Pokemon Masters.  "Hey congratulations Ash!" Misty exclaimed.  "Same to you Misty."  Ash said. "Now that we have fulfilled our dreams I still owe you that bike so here is the money for it so here you go I guess you want to leave now don't you." Ash asked. Misty was shocked "Ash I never wanted a new bike the bike that you destroyed wasn't even mine it was Lily's I used Lily's because my bike was in the shop." Misty said. "Then why in the world did you follow me all this time?" Ash asked.  "I-I guess it was because I Love You and I have since the first day I met you." Misty said. "Y-You Love me that's strange." Ash asked. "Well why is it so strange Ash?" Misty asked. "Well it is strange because I love you too and have since you pulled me out of the water." Ash said. (Author's note: if you noticed that neither Brock nor Tracey is in here it is because they left the group.   Tracey decided to stay with Professor Oak to help him out at his lab and Brock decided to finish his journey to be the world's best Pokemon Breeder by himself so it is just Ash, Misty, Pikachu and Togepi and their other Pokemon.)  Ash and Misty leaned in closer as their lips parted they kissed each other with a long passionate French Kiss as Pikachu and Togepi were watching they figured that their two favorite trainers could use some privacy. "Pika Pika Pika Chu Pi Pi Pi."(I think we should leave them alone for a while)Pikachu said "Togi Togi Togi Togepriii Toge Togepi."(I think your right Mommy and Daddy need some time alone) Togepi said. "Pika?!"(Daddy?!) Pikachu asked  "Toge To"(Yes Daddy Ash found me as an egg remember?) "Pika"(Oh yeah)Pikachu responded.  "Well it looks like that love is blooming in the stadium I think we should leave our two newest Pokemon Masters alone."The Announcer said.  and that's just what they did.  "Ash you can have the money back if you want." Misty said to her new found love. "No Mist if I know you you will want to go shopping to celebrate your victory." Ash said. "Ash did you just call me Mist? because I thought you did." Misty said "Yes I did I hope you don't mind." Ash said "Of course I don't mind Ashy Washy." Misty said. "Ashy Washy? why are you calling me Ashy Washy?" Ash asked. "I won't call you that anymore if you don't like it." Misty said sadly. "No No Misty don't start crying  I like it it was just a surprise that you just now started calling me that but go ahead call me what ever nickname you want as long is it has nothing to do with stupid,Immature, Dense and all the other bad names you called me." Ash said. "Ashy I haven't called you any of those since the Johto League." Misty said.   "I know jsut makiong sure you remember." Ash said as he Kissed Misty passionately.  After they broke their kiss a bunch of Flashes go off along with a news reporter and a news paper reporter.  "Mr. Ketchum and Miss Williams how does it feel to be Pokemon masters and to have just found your one and only love?" Every reporter asked. It feels pretty good we knew we would find love eventually we just didn't know when." Both of them said.  After talking to the reporters they left the stadium with their arms around each other and Ever so often kissing.  Newspaper headline: "Pokemon Masters not only Master the Star League but Find Love as Well" Giovanni and Daria who have been divorced for twelve years read the newspaper and it shows a split screen and them saying "that's my boy."  Also in the Cerulean Gym Misty's sisters finish reading the newspaper and Violet and Lily say in unison Like We knew it all the time that Misty had a thing for Ash I guess Ash finally saw the beauty of the Four Sensational sisters."Violet and Lily said. "Like don't you mean Three Sensational Sisters and one Runt." Daisy said. How could she get a man before I could she is four years younger than me." Daisy finished  "SHUT UP DAISY MISTY IS A SENSATIONAL SISTER SHE HAS ALWAYS BEEN AND SHE ALWAYS WILL BE NO MATTER WHAT PATH SHE TAKES OVER THE YEARS SHE HAS BECOME AS BEAUTIFUL AS IF NOT MORE BEAUTIFUL THAN US!" Violet and Lily hissed.  Well well well well Ash and Misty have admitted their feelings for each other and Daisy seems to be a little jealous of Misty.  And why did Giovanni say that's my boy after reading the newspaper? To find Out read on to Chapter one. _______________________________________________________

 Chapter One:  Return to Pallet Town and The Mystery of Ash's Father Solved.    

Ash, Misty, Pikachu, and Togepi are almost back inPallet Town after a few months of walking.  It has been about five months since the Star League Competition and since Ash and Misty had admitted their feelings.  Ash and Misty were walking Hand-In-Hand as they were waking up Ash's driveway when Misty just remembered something.  "Hey Ash are you sure it is okay for me to stay at your house? and what do you think your mom will think of us being together as a couple of Teenagers in Love with Each Other?" Misty asked.  "Of course it's okay if you stay at my house you've stayed at it before haven't you?" Ash asked his Girl.  "Huh?" Misty asked confused. "Remember you stayed at my house when I was training for the Indigo League which I didn't do much training for?" Ash asked.  "Te-He Oh yeah." Misty said. "And to answer your other question I think Mom will be very happy that we're together." Ash said. Misty just stared into Ash's eyes as stared into Misty's eyes and they started to make out right in front of the front door just as it openened. "Whoa slowdown you two before you Lose your breath and end up having a kid." Daria said. Ash and Misty broke their kiss and saw Daria "Mom I'm fourteen I think I am old enough to make out with my girlfriend without getting her Pregnant." Ash said "Sorry Ash I was just worried about you because I didn't hear from you before you came home." Daria said "Sorry Mom I forgot to call you and I suppose that you knew that Misty and I would end up together we will be in in just a few minutes could you please give us some privacy?" Ash asked.  "Oh yeah sorry I'll see you when you come in." Daria said. Ash and Misty decided to continue to make out a little while longer after they were done they just sat out on the Front Porch Swing. "Ashy I'm glad we finally got the nerve to tell each other how we feel and are finally together aren't you? " Misty asked.  "Yeah I just wish we would have done it sooner so Tracey and Brock could see how we feel for each other instead of fighting the many times that we did." Ash said while recalling all the fights they had had.  "Well we don't fight now Ashy do we?" Misty asked.  "No Mist we don't and I think Pikachu and Togepi are glad we don't wren't you guys?" Ash asked pikachu and Togepi. "Pikachu Togepi"(We sure are.) Pikachu and Togepi said in unison.  "Want to go in and eat now Mist?" Ash asked. "Sure do Ashy I love it when you call me Mist." Misty said. " And I love it when you call me Ashy." Ash said.  "Te-he I'm glad." Misty said as she grabbed Ash's hand and Ash grabbed hers. "Me too Mist me too." Ash said.  After they ate dinner Ash and Misty told Daria about all their adventures in the Star League and how they came to realize their love. "I'm glad that Ash found a nice girl like you Misty to became more than friends with in fact that was the whole reason I reminded Ash at the beginning of his journey to change his underwear everyday becaus I knew he would meet a girl." Daria said with a giggle. "Mom stop embarrassing me in front of my Girlfriend please Ash begged.  "Sorry Ash but you are my only thing I have left since your father left me." Daria said.  "Speaking of my father Mom do I haave a father?" Ash asked.  "I knew you would ask that question one day. Why don't you go over there and look through my memories book from my wedding announcement to when you were two." DAria said. Ash and Misty looked at the memories with each other when they came accross a wedding announcement. "Daria Cobalt To Marry Giovanni Ketchum in one week." "A mom who is Giovanni?" Ash asked. "Giovanni is the leader of Team Rocket and your father and also ownere of Pokemon land and leader of the Viridian City Gym."  "But Mom I battled in the Viridian City Gym and I had to battle Jesse what is the deal with that?" Ash asked.  "Team Rocket runs the Viridian Gym so even though I hate to admit it but we are also part owners of Team Rocket."Daria said. "WHAT WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT THE KETCHUM FAMILY IS PART OWNER OF TEAM ROCKET IS IT TRUE THAT MY ONE TRUE LOVE IS THE SON OF GIOVANNI IT CAN'T BE IT CAN'T BE!" Misty screamed  "I'm afraid so Misty Ash is a rich trainer and since your family runs a gym you must be rich too no wonder why you were attracted to him." Dairia said. "This can't be this can't be." Misty said while crying "I suppose you don't love me anymore Misty." Ash said sadly. "WHAT DON'T EVER SAY THAT ASH KETCHUM! I LOVE YOU NO MATTER WHAT!" Misty exclaimed. "But why?" Ash asked.  "Ashy the reason is because you were the first person to come into my life after I left the Cerulean Gym I was lonely and needed a friend and you were there despite all the stupid things you've done I have always loved you and always will." Misty said.  "I will always love you too Misty no matter what." Ash said.  "But I am still not convinced I have to go to Viridian City to make sure and I want you Togepi and Pikachu to come too." Ash said.  "Mom is it okay if I go make sure it is true with Misty and my other Pokemon?" Ash asked.  "Of course Ash but be careful." Daria said.  "We will Mrs. Ketchum we will." Misty said. "Come on Misty we have a long walk ahead of us." Ash said. "Okay." Misty said as she picked up Togepi.  So they headed off Pkachu jumped on top of Ash's shoulder and Misty held on to Togepi with one Arm while she held Ash's hand in the other. They ended up camping out for one night and then arrived the next day in front of TR Headquarters when all of a sudden Four vines from a Venusaur tied Ash, Misty Pikachu and Togepi up.  After the guards handcuffed Ash and Misty together and Pikachu and Togepi together they put them in one cell with bunk beds and little beds for Pikachu and Togepi but before they could go to sleep the Rocket Guards un handcuffed their prisoers so they could get to sleep.  Well, Ash, Misty, Pikachu and Togepi are in a cell and they went to sleep not knowing what happened just as they took their belts with their Pokeballs on it they went to sleep but little did they know that when they woke up only Pikachu and Togepi would be there.  The next morning "Good Morning Ash Good Morning Pikachu Good morning Togepi."  Ash along with Pikachu and Togepi said good morning to Misty.  All of a sudden they noticed "AHHHHHHHH!!! my Pokeballs are gone what happened to them? " Misty asked.  "My Pokeballs are gone too but I wonder why they didn't take Pikachu and Togepi?" Ash asked. "I don't know." said Misty.  Just then a Rocket Guard the same one that captured them came to their cell with the key.  "The Boss wants to see you." The Guard said.  "Huh I wonder why?" They both said in unison.  "Boss Ash Ketchum and Misty Williams from cell block 3 level B are here along with a Pikachu and Togepi. " The guard said.  "Excellent send them in." Giovanni said. "Yes Sir." The guard said.  "WHY DID YOU BRING US HERE YOU YOU THIEF?" Ash and Misty said "Ashton Cornelious Ketchum don't talk to me that way." "Why shouldn't I?" Ash asked. "Because I have you and your girlfriends other Pokemon right here on my desk see." Giovanni said. "And why won't you calm down in front of your father?" Giovanni asked.  "What your Ash's Father?" Misty asked (as if she didn't know).  "Yes I am Giovanni Cornelious Ketchum Ash's father Leader of Team Rocket and The Viridian City Gym Leader."  Giovanni said. "Why did you bring us here Dad?" Ash asked. "It's very simple I am looking for new Team Rocket member and judging by you and your Girlfriend's accomplishments I have decided that you two are the best candidates." Giovanni cackled. "WE WILL NEVER JOIN YOUR TEAM AND THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO TO CHANGE OUR MINDS!" Ash and Misty yelled in unison "It's a pity you Pokemon have been trained so well I guess I am going to have to kill them." Giovanni said. "W-Why are you going to have to kill them?"Ash and Misty asked. "you can kill them because we have plenty more at Prof Oak's Lab." they both said "Oh no you don't we stole those too and also if you don't join us Misty your sisters and your parents will be killed and Ash if you don't join we will kill your mom Professor Oak  Westwood V Prof Ivy Tracey Brock and all the friends that you have made over the years you will only have each other and Pikachu and Togepi." Giovanni said.  "So what are you two going to do join us or lose a whole bunch of your friends and family?" Giovanni asked.  "W-Wait we will join Team Rocket just don't kill our Pokemon our friends and our families please." they both begged Giovanni.  "Excellent report to room 313 for uniform fitting and after your fitted and in your uniforms report to your chamber it is located in room 1014."Giovanni said to Ash.  "Where do I go boss?" Misty asked. "Same room that Ash is in because it is a deluxe suite with a jacuzzi A couch A TV And Two beds and two bathrooms." Giovanni said.  "Oh and by the way here are your Pokemon back and we won't kill any of your friends or family your training will start tomorrow." Giovanni said "Training?!" both Ash and Misty said in unison.  "Yes every new Team Rocket Member has to go through a minimum of three years of training or a maximum of three and a half." Giovanni said.  "Okay Boss we will do that." Both Ash and Misty said in unison. "Excellent." Giovanni said.  After Ash and misty were fitted for their Team Rocket X uniforms(The type of uniforms that Jesse and James wear) they ate dinner and then went to bed When they entered their chamber Misty let her hair down out of her ponytail and it was a little bit past her shoulders(think of Misty's hair in "Pokemon Double Trouble when they are in the hot tub)Misty and Ash both took off their uniforms Ash changed into his swimming trunks and Misty changed into a Two Piece Bikini and got into the hot tub but Ash did not stay in the Hot Tub as long as he did on "Pokemon Double Trouble" neither did Misty but while they were in the hot tub Ash just stared at his Girlfriend with awe and then Misty turned around and did the same thing only she was staring at Ash with awe(Author's Note Togepi and Pikachu were already asleep).  After a relaxing time in their hot tub Ash and Misty changed into their pajamas and went to bed.  The next morning Ash and Misty were woken up by a bugle call at about 5:30 AM. End of Chapter One Please read on to Chapter Two. _______________________________________________________ 

Chapter Two: The training Begins and Ends (authors note the training is over a three year period so for half of this chapter Ash and Misty are 14 the other half and from now on until I say something else they are 17.)    

Ash and company were very pleased with the good night rest they got it sure beat the cell block beds. After Ash, Misty and Pikachu showered shaved and ate breakfast they reported to the training ground.  "Ash are you sure we can trust your dad I mean the boss to keep his promise I am sort of unsure about this." Misty said to Ash worriedly. "I paid you back for your bike when I promised to didn't I and when we joined Team Rocket didm't the boss give us back our Pokemon?" Ash asked "He sure did I think we can trust him." Misty said.  Misty didn't know how right she was. Giovanni stayed away from their family and friends so in other words he kept his promise.  "Hey boss where are the new recruits that we are supposed to train?" said jesse James Cassidy and Butch "They're already at the training field they will be the two new recruits holding hands." Giovanni said.  When the five reached the training grounds they were surprised to see Ash misty Togepi and Pikachu at the training field. "WHAT ARE YOU TWERPS DOING HERE WE'RE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE TRAINING NEW RECRUITS NOT TRYING TO STEAL PIKACHU AND TOGEPI! The five exclaimed angrily.  "Te-he We are the new recruits." both Ash and Misty said.  "Why" Jesse and James asked. "Because I am Giovanni's son." Ash said and we decided to join.  "Okay fine but who would've known that Team Twerp would become members of Team Rocket ?" They all asked "Things change" Ash and Misty said simultaneously.  Three years Later.  "Hey Ashy I kind of like it here now do you?" Misty asked. "Yes I like it here at least Gary isn't here to bug me anymore." Ash said  "And I'm getting the respect I deserve my sisters never respected me one bit." Misty said.  "Pika Pi Chu."( I seem to like it here now too) Pikachu said.  "Toge Toge Togepriii." (Your not the only one Uncle Pikachu.)Togepi said.  All four of them walked into Giovanni's office. "All four of you have completed your training successfully Are you ready for your first assignment?" Giovanni asked. "We sure are boss." they all said in unison "Excellent." Giovanni said So Ash Misty and Pikachu are Members of Team Rocket now how will their first assignment turn out will they succeed or fail just like Jesse, James, Meowth , Cassidy and Butch have always done I have a feeling they will succeed. End of Chapter Two Read on to Chapter Three _______________________________________________________

 I know this is different than my original one was I honestly don't know when Ash and Misty will quit Team Rocket in my story if they ever do Please e-mail me with what you think of it at ash251_61607@yahoo.com _______________________________________________________ 

Chapter Three: Ash and Misty's First Mission 

 "Ha Ha ha I'm glad your ready for your first mission." Giovanni said. "I hate to tell you this but your first assignment as members of Team Rocket is to attack the Cerulean City Gym." Giovanni said. "WHAT YOU MEAN I HAVE TO ATTACK MY SISTERS AND ROB MY OWN HOME?! THAT'S PROPOSTEROUS I WON'T DO IT." Misty said angrily.  "Such a pity Misty because if you don't your sisters and parents are going to die." Giovanni said. "Misty you don't want the boss to kill your sisters or your parents do you seems how someday all of your family members will be my in-laws you don't really want him to kill them do you?" Ash asked.  "Well no." Misty said.  "Besides that Misty don't your sisters still have your Starmie and Horsea?" Ash asked.  "Well yeah." Misty said.  "Excellent after you get your POkemon that you left with your sisters back then you can rob the gym." Giovanni said. "That is unless you want your family killed." Giovanni cackled.  "No No Please don't kill my family I'll do it." Misty said. "Excellent you will need to get different clothes." Giovanni said.  "Already have boss we did that before we even became Team Rocket Members and right after you welcomed us to Team Rocket." Both Ash and Misty said.(Author's note Ash no longer wears his hat and he combs his hair and Misty's hair has grown to Mid-Back Length and Misty no longer wears her suspenders.) "Excellent now get going." Giovanni ordered. "Yes Sir!" Both of them responded.  "Hey Misty let's fly Fearow there okay?" Ash asked.  "Okay." Misty said.  "Ash we need to think of a motto." Misty said. "you're right Misty lets do it." Ash said to his Girlfriend.  "Prepare For Trouble." Misty said. "On the double." Ash said.  "To destroy  the world with devastation." Misty continued.  "To take over every nation." Ash said. "We used to fight for Truth and Love." Misty said. "Now we extend our wrath to the stars above." Ash continued.(Author's note I know it is very similar to Cassidy and Butch's motto but I want it to rhyme.) "Misty!" Misty exclaimed. "Ash!" Ash exclaimed.  "Team Rocket does all we can to steal the light." Misty said.  "Surrender now it's useless to fight." Ash said. "That's right!" they both said in unison.  "Pika Pika." Pikachu said. "Togi Togi." Togepi finished. Our new villains arrive in Cerulean City disguised as their original selves basically in their original out fit only Ash is minus the hat and Misty is minus the suspenders and wearing Jeans.  "Hey Nurse Joy could you revitalize Fearow please?" Ash asked.  "Sure Ash." Nurse Joy said. "Should we hit this center Ashy?" Misty asked. "After we hit the Gym."  Ash said.  "Okay." Misty said.  "Your Pokemon are all healed yours are too Misty." Nurse Joy said. "Thanks." they both said.(As of Right now Misty has only four Pokemon with her Staryu, Golduck, Poliwrath and Togepi.)  They arrive at the gym. "I'm home." Misty said while holding Ash's hand."How are Starmie and Horsea?" Misty asked. "Just fine except your Horsea isn't a Horsea anymore it's a Seadra." Daisy said. "Oh thank you so much you did a great job!" Misty exclaimed. 'Too bad I am going to have to rob you after I get Starmie and Seadra back.' Misty thought. "Could I have them back now please?" Misty asked.  "Sure here you go." Thank you. "Ready Ash?" Misty asked quietly. "Ready" Ash responded. "Like a Misty what are you doing?" Daisy asked as Misty threw her Pokeball. "Seadra I choose you Smokescreen attack." Misty ordered. "Get ready Gengar." Ash ordered. As the smoke cleared ASh and Misty changed into their Team Rocket Uniforms Misty's sisters were shocked. "Prepare for Trouble." Misty said. "On the Double." Ash continued. "To destroy the world with devastation." Misty said. "To take over every single nation." Ash continued. "We used to fight for Truth and Love." Misty said. "Now we extend our wrath to the stars above." Ash added. "MISTY!" Misty exclaimed "ASH!" Ash also exclaimed. "Team Rocket does all we can to steal the light." Misty said. "Surrender Now it's useless to fight." Ash said "That's right." Both of them said together. "Pika Pika." Pikachu said. "Togi Togi." Togepi finished. "Lily call the police Daisy said. "I think not Gengar Hypnosis followed by Dream Eater now." Ash ordered. "Geng." Gengar said. Misty's sisters fell asleep and Gengar was Eating their dreams. As Ash and Misty pulled off the mission successfully and successfully transported the Pokeballs to Giovanni Misty's sisters woke up "Misty, Ash, Pikachu, Togepi, Why like why did you join Team Rocket I thought you hated them." Daisy asked.  "We did till we found out that Giovanni was Ash's father." Misty said.  "Why didn't you guys turn it down?" Lily asked. "Because Giovanni said that if we didn't join Team Rocket he would kill everyone we were friends with and our Pokemon so you see we had no choice." Ash said "You mean you didn't want any of your Pokemon or any of your friends and family killed so you two risk being arrested just to keep your friends family and Pokemon from being killed?"Violet asked.  "It's better than going to a funeral of someone you love and care about besides that as soon as Giovanni passes on Ash will inherit the Viridian Gym and Team Rocket and after that he can either disband Team Rocket or keep it together only do good deeds instead of bad one's right after he inherits it he can do whatever he wants with the team." Misty said. "Oh I see." Daisy said. "but you two are still going to jail." Daisy continued "I think not Venusaur Sleep Powder put Misty's sisters to sleep Mist get behind me and put this on." Ash said. Misty and Ash put on their gas masks and flew away on Charizard.  "Um Mist I have a couple of things for you." Ash said to his love. "What are they?" Misty asked. "Here you go that is one of your gifts." Ash said. "Oh Ashy it is a Beautiful charm bracelet thank you." Misty said.  "That bracelet cannot compare to your beauty Misty." Ash said while Blushing "Oh stop it Ash you're making me blush." Misty said "I know I am you're making me blush too Misty." Ash said.  "Oh and one more thing Misty." Ash said. "What's that Ash?" Misty asked curiously. "Mistina Catherine Williams will marry me?" Ash asked as he took out the Diamond Engagement Ring. "Um Of course Ash I wll marry you because I love you more than anything in the world." Misty responded. Ash and Misty then started to make out on Charizard as they went back to Viridian City Team Rocket Headquarters.  "Congaratulations you two I am very proud of you at least you succeeded unlike those other five misfits Jesse,James,Meowth,Cassidy and Butch." Giovanni said. "Just doing our job boss or should I say dad." Misty exclaimed. "Wht do you mean Dad?" Giovanni asked Misty. "Ashy and I are engaged to get married." Misty said.  "Congratulations again you two I think for a while you two should lay off the crmes in fact the whole team should lay off the crimes."Giovanni said. "Why?" Misty asked. "Because Ahh Ah!" Giovanni said while clutching his chest. "Dad Dad what's wrong? Dad Dad oh no." Ash said. "Misty contact Jesse and James and tell them to call an ambulance my Dad just had a heart attack." Ash said "But he's only thirty-eight how could this happen?" Misty asked.  "It can happen to anyone who eats like the boss eats. Ash said. "Jesse James call an ambulance now." Misty ordered. "Why should we listen to a twerp like you?!" Jesse said.  "Because Giovanni left us in charge since we succeeded on our first try unlike you." Misty fumed. While Giovanni was in the hospital Ash and Misty continued to pull a bunch of heists and succeed making the boss proud he hired them.  I am going to probably write one more chapter with them pulling heists but then I am going to stop them because of what happens to Giovanni. End of Chapter Three Read On to Chapter Four _______________________________________________________ 

Chapter Four: Ash and Misty's Final Mission: St. AnneII   While Giovanni was in the Hospital he gave Ash and Misty another mission which they didn't know that it would be their last one for the evil Team Rocket.  Ash and Misty arrived at Vermilion Harbor ready to pull their next and their last Pokemon Heist.  They're in the Party room worrying about Ash's father and soon to be Misty's Father-In-Law Giovanni.  "Seadra Smokescreen attack now" Misty called to her Pokemon. As the smoke cleared "Prepare for Trouble" Misty said "On the Double Ash said. "To Destroy the world with devastation." Misty said. "To Take over every single nation." Ash continued "We used to fight for Truth and Love." Misty said "Now we extend Our Wrath to the Stars Above." Ash said. "MISTY!" Misty exclaimed."ASH!" Ash also exclaimed "Team Rocket does all we can to steal the light."Misty said. "Surrender now it's useless to Fight." Ash said "That's Right!" They both said. "Pika Pika." Pikachu said. "Togi Togi" Togepi finished.  "Hand over all your Pokemon." Misty ordered." "Never." the passengers responded. "Fine then Venusaur go sleep powder now put this on Misty." Ash said. "Venus" Venusaur said as it spread sleep powder all around.  All the passengers including the captain and except for Ash Misty Pikachu Togepi and the other Rocket Members fell asleep and Ash and Company were successful once again.  After they sent the stolen items to the base where Jesse James along with other rocket members were standing by to receive they went to the hospital to see how Giovanni was doing he wasn't doing too well is heartrate kept going Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep and Then Beep Beep Giovanni heartbeat got weaker.Giovanni then said this in his last dying breaths:"Ash my son take care of your fiancee your mom Prof oak and all your friends and do what ever you want with the Pokemon you stole and do what ever you want with Team Rocket if you want to stop stealing you can it is up to you and Misty for you two are the new leaders of Team Rocket and The Viridian Gym I suggest clearing your names from the wanted list."Giovanni said weakly. "How do we do that Dad it's very simple return eveything you stole and bring Team Rocket back to what it was originally intended for to protect and raise all types of Pokemon not to steal and abuse them which is what happened after I divorced your mom I was so broken hearted that I couldn't do good deeds anymore so I turned to evil by the way Here Ash and Misty here are your last paychecks doctor give them their checks please." Giovanni said very weekly.  "But Dad I wanted you to be at me and Misty's wedding." Ash said sadly. "Don't worry Ash I will always be your father and will always love you take good care of your mother and Misty for me for you are theonly Ketchum Man left and bring the good name back Team Rocket."Giovanni said. "But Dad." Ash said sadly.  Giovanni's heartbeat: Beep Beep Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep. Giovanni flatlined.  Ash started to cry. as did Pikachu Misty comforted both of them. "I understand how you feel Ash My father died too." Misty said. "Yeah but how long did you know your father" Ash asked. "for about 9 1/2 years he died right before I left but my mom remarried."  "But I only knew him for 2 years and just recently met him again three years ago when I joined Team Rocket with you." Ash said as he continued to cry "Ashy it's okay let it all out." Misty said. Ash then cried on Misty's shoulder. "Feeling better now Ash?" Misty asked "A little." Ash said. "I know how to make you feel a lot better." Misty said "How?" Ash asked.  "Just like this." Misty said. Misty kissed Ash passionately and kept on making out with him. That made Ash feel a lot better.  Ash and Misty then took over Team Rocket and the Viridian City Gym they no longer stole stuff so there was no point in keeping Jesse James Cassidy Butch and Meowth around just the other Rocket Soldiers Everything that they have stolen was returned Team Rocket was cleared of all charges that have been placed on them and now they protect and Train Pokemon instead of stealing and abusing them. End of Chapter four I am going to end this story after a couple or three more chapters and an epilogue and I may end up making a sequel I don't know because I still have the four to five part Prequel to my original fic to do along with my main fic itself "Goodbye Pallet Town hello Cerulean City" _______________________________________________________

Have any ideas comments complaints e-mail them to me at this address: ash251_61607@yahoo.com