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Presenting Mark
Englewood    Colorado USA

Age Range: 20 -  25  Years Old

Height:  6 foot Tall  

 Weight: 160 lbs
Eye Color: blue/green/grey  

Hair Color: Brown


Model's On-Line Portfolio

mark from colorado - Male model of the year 2002
Winner - Most Goodlooking
SEcond Place  -  Best Camera Presence
Winner - Best Model to Represent our Site
Winner - Best Overall Impression
Winner - Best Over All Profile


I grew up in Germany where I lived till last January (2000). My parents are both German, but I was born in Texas, so I have dual citizenship and it was always my dream to move to the states, but I never had the courage to leave till last
year. It's just me and I still miss my friends and family, but it's getting better and better.

I go to school here to become a teacher, but I don't
know if I finish that or do something else, I will
attend a firefighter academy during the summer, so
maybe that's more like me.

. . . and than there's modeling, which I'm really interested in, but it's hard to get in to. . .

well, in Germany I played competitive basketball for
over 14 years, bball is my great love and passion. I
started coaching my own team when I was 15 and did it
ever since, my team (where I played) was really
successful and my team (coach) got better and better
every year and it was awesome to see them developed and
improve all the way, since I only had this one team
for the whole time.

it was hard to leave all this behind, but I had to go
out there end try to realize my dreams so here I am.

I always worked with kids, as a coach in Germany, as a
counselor and basketball specialist in two summer
camps here in the USA (last two years, first one was
organized from Germany, second one I found through the
internet) and I have to say, working with kids is the
best and most rewarding thing I can imagine. Seeing
them succeed in a non competitive camp, just for
themselves and knowing that I helped them to succeed is
more worth than any money (and you won't get a lot of

and here in Denver, I worked as a counselor for teens
at risk in a group home my first year.

 but now I'm just
a server at applebees and this summer is for me, so

I'm not able to work in a camp, which is really sad
but I guess necessary to find out what I want.

Questions & Answers

1) What inspires you ? ( from Steve 2nd Runner Up )

inspire me to model? well, i am very critical about
myself and i try to look my best in any situation, so
working as a model gives me the chance to do just that
and have lots of fun woing it. I mean, think about the
traveling and the people u can meet thorugh this job-

 2) What's the first thing that comes into your mind
 when they mention "Brazil" ( Marcio 3rd Runner Up)

hmm, fire, hot, sexy

 3) Who is your role model and Why? ( Steve 1st
 Runner Up )

i have to say my basketball coach from germany. i
leanred soo much about professionalsm and hard work
and devotion. we were a small town team, but he
treated us like pros from the start on, teaching us
never giving less than 100 % whatever u do, and i
translate this philoosophy to everything I do, school,
and work and especially when t comes to realizing my

 4) Why do you think you would be a good Male Model
 of the Year 2002? ( Keith - Male model of the year
 2001 )

hmm, i think that something I cant answer. I love this
buisness and every single aspect about it, but you are
the ones who chose the model of the year, so if i have
what u think a model of the year should have, than -
 5) What makes modelling important for you?

As i said, i try to be the ebst i can in everything
im doing, specially when it comes to myself and my
performance, so modeling gives me a chance to look the
best way possible and see where i have to improve
myself and where i have to work harder to get the
results expected from me. Plus, the traveling and the
work itself is soo much fun, not to beat!!

 Q: What/How do you feel when you get photographed?

I feel sexy

 Q: Who is your favourite male model and why?

hmm, i dont really have one. I like natural looking
guys, nice body and a cute aurora. I dont like too
fake looking models.

The photos that appeared here were submitted by members & provided for the purpose of setting up the model's on-line portfolio. MALE MODEL MILANO ITALY does not claim ownership of the photos mentioned--unless otherwise specified. Therefore MM2.8k.com does not violate/infringe any copyrights.  The respective photos are owned by the photographers and/or members mentioned herewith.

MALE MODEL MILANO ITALY non  esigere la proprietà delle foto ha accennato -- salvo specificazione  contraria. Di conseguenza MM2.8k.com non viola o non infrange alcun  "copyrights". Le foto rispettive hanno posseduto "dal photographer" e/o dai  membri accennati con questo.

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