Milkshape Keyboard Shortcuts V 1.0

by Matt "Man_o_mule" Sinderson

OpenCtrl+OBrings up the open file dailog
SaveCtrl+SSaves file with it's current name
UndoCtrl+ZUdoes the last operation
RedoCtrl+RRedo any undone operation
DuplicateCtrl+DDuplicates currently selected faces
DeleteDelDeletes selected object
Delete AllShift+DeleteDeletes all objects
Select AllCtrl+ASelects all objects
Select NoneCtrl+Shift+AUnselects everything
Select InvertCtrl+ASelects oposite objects
Hide SelectionCtrl+HHides selected objects
Unhide AllCtrl+UUnhides all hidden objects
Snap TogetherCtrl+NAll selected verts are brought to the same coordinates
Snap To GridCtrl+GSelected Verts are snapped to closest grid points
Weld TogetherCtrl+WSelected verts become one vert(only works if verts are very close together, always do this after a vert snap)
Divide EdgeCtrl+PThe edge between two selected adjacent verts will be split incorperating a new vert in the center
Flatten XCtrl+Shift+XSelected verts are given the same X coordinate
Flatten YCtrl+Shift+YSelected verts are given the same Y coordinate
Flatten ZCtrl+Shift+ZSelected verts are given the same Z coordinate
Subdivide 3Ctrl+3Selected face is subdivided into 3 faces
Subdivide 4Ctrl+4Selected face is subdivided into 4 faces
Smooth AllCtrl+MSmooths all groups
Set KeyframeCtrl+KSets current pose as the keframe for the current frame of animation
Delete KeyframeCtrl+Shift+KSelected frame is no longer a keyframe
Texture Coordinate EditorCtrl+TOpens texture coordinate editor window
Change To Select ModeF1Change to select mode
Change To Move ModeF2Change to move mode
Change To Rotate ModeF3Change to rotate mode
Change To Scale ModeF4Change to scale mode
Change To Vertex ModeF5Change to vertex mode
Change To Face ModeF6Change to face mode
Change To Extrude ModeF7Change to extrude mode
Change To Joint ModeF8Change to joint mode
Assign MaterialF10Assigns material to currently selected group

These are all of the shortcuts I know about. If you have any infomation about others or any comments about this document don't hesitate to email me at