my sister marquerite

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There is no security on this earth, there is only opportunity - General Douglas MacArthur


Welcome and thank you for taking time visiting my website.
'My sister Marquerite' is a tribute to my beloved sister Marquerite van Campenhout, who was violently stabbed to death on 11th January 2002 at Euston tube station in London .
She was a victim of her stalker, her ex-boyfriend. She was only 24 years old.

The great loss of Marquerite has had a huge impact on all who loved and knew Marquerite , not to mention everybody who witnessed the horrendous murder. Certainly many people who had heard or read about it in the news were shocked.

This website is for all these people too. If it helps anyone a little to come to terms with what happened on the 11th January 2002 or anyone who is dealing with a similar situation, I would be very pleased.
Writing about Marquerite has helped me a great deal in mourning my sister's death and writing I will continue to do...
I can imagine that for some people it is difficult to read details of what has actually happened. It is not easy to face the incredibly harsh facts.
For me talking and writing about my feelings help me a great deal coming to terms with was has happened. Having said that, at times it is still very hard to believe Marquerite is around no more. In spirit she IS, I strongly believe! Watching over her loved ones...and she will live on in all people who loved her, as someone dear said to me...Marquerite will always be in our hearts.

I would like this website to be in the spirit of my beloved sister(and not looking dark and gloomy, because she was a wonderfully colourful person!) and a meeting place for all who feels involved.
I would also like to say 'a big thank you' to everyone, for their e-mails and messages in the Guestbook and on the Guestmap.
Just heartwarming!
If you feel you would like to contribute or share your story/feelings, please feel free to do so.
Me and my family receive(d) a lot of support from you and some of you wanted to share their own stories .Thank you for confiding in us and please know that all of your e-mails will be responded to personally.

Best wishes,




"Gather ye rosebuds while ye may,
Old time is still a flying;
And this same rose that smiles today,
tomorrow will be dying."

our beloved Marquerite... forever in our hearts


Who was Marquerite? It is impossible to tell you all on one page...On the from baby to lady page I paint a picture, or rather 'a portrait', of my beloved sister.

On the links page you can find links on the internet to press reports and valuable links to websites such as organisations and articles I have compiled. 

True heroes (still) exist! Chris Kiely and Tom Pontifex showed true bravery that I am eternally grateful for. Other witnesses on the spot faced their fears and came to the rescue. The heroes page is my tribute to these extraordinary special people.

On the memorial plaque & bravery awards page you can read about and view photos of the Memorial Plaque for Marquerite at Euston Station, and about The Bravery Awards Ceremony, which all took place early december 2004.

On the contact me page you can sign (with optional privacy security) and view my guestbook. You can also e-mail me directly, using the simple to use e-mail form. Contributions, suggestions and reactions to this website are welcome!

I have added an extra page about the bouquet, a statue against meaningless violence in Holland. It will tell you what the statue is about and how it has become a place to reflect.


marguerite flower

Leaving a flower for Marquerite in the Guestmap
Marquerite loved flowers! I thought this would make a lovely and appropriate gesture to add to this website as a tribute.You can leave a virtual flower for Marquerite on the worldmap on the country where you are from or living in .
If you like you can also leave a message or just a few words. Whichever you choose...When you go over the flower with your mouse, you can view messages that other visitors left. When you click on 'list' you will see the list of entries.
Just click on Guestmap #2 in the navigation bar above and you'll see how it works. Thank you!
To view older entries in Guestmap #1, please click on the Archive button below.

view archive guestmap #1

 Express yourself 
If you would like to share your thoughts, you are welcome to sign my Guestbook.
Many thanks to all visitors who have left such heartwarming messages....they mean a lot.
If you would like to contact me directly, please go to the Contact Me page and fill out the e-mail form.You will always receive a personal reply from myself.

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Last updated on 2/13/2015, 4:40:37 PM