Enhancements copyright (C) Marcia L. Peters, all rights reserved

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 Half-Buried "Ferris Wheel"

Latitude -24.54°
Longitude 279.60°
Long traverse immediately E of 'head' of Mangala Valles
NASA Catalog:  http://ida.wr.usgs.gov/html/fha012/fha01230.html

Click on any image below for a full-resolution jpeg image of the same area

MOC Image Viking 
Resolution 2.82 m


We are looking at the 5th MOC image in the above series. 

With enlargement, the lighter-colored section seems to have an unusual amount of strucutre and detail.

While much of the detail is too small to make out, towards the middle we do see something of note. 

It is a partly-buried ring-shaped structure, jutting up at an angle from the ground. 

It seems far-fetched, but there actually appears to be a shaft forming an axis upon which the ring could have rotated.  This object may have spokes like a giant bicycle wheel.

The diameter of this ring is about 93 m (305') - like a good-sized Ferris wheel.