Enhancements copyright (C) Marcia L. Peters, all rights reserved

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 266m Shard Projecting from a Cliff Top

Latitude 36.54°
Longitude 140.55°
Semi-sinuous ridge/trough in Acheron Fossae region
NASA Catalog:  http://ida.wr.usgs.gov/html/fha012/fha01290.html

Click on any image below for a full-resolution jpeg image of the same area

MOC Image Viking 
Resolution 2.90 m


If the previous dark streaks weren't strange enough, we find another, very similar-appearing form in the 2nd MOC image of this series.

This cliff is around 348 m (1140') high.

The dark shard shape seems to project from the top of the cliff.  It is roughly 266 m (875') long. 


Odder still, one can see rocky features of the underlying cliff bank through the dark shard-like item.  It is either transparent, or it is a shadow. 

We see a bit more structure at the top -- something like a bridge suspension cable.