Enhancements copyright (C) Marcia L. Peters, all rights reserved

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Eroded Rectangular Platform, and Monumental Structure within a Circular Perimeter

Latitude 23.85°
Longitude 167.30°
Higher-resolution view of surface seen in MOC SPO2-426/05

NASA Catalog:  http://ida.wr.usgs.gov/html/fha013/fha01301.html

Click on any image below for a full-resolution jpeg image of the same area

  Resolution: unknown (~ 171m ?)



This image shows a few of the areas I selected for enlargement.  The full-size NASA image is worth further study.  The scale of the original NASA image is about 171 meters/pixel.

The rectangular shape is geometrically similar to a platform.  It seems to have regular straight sides and approximately the same height.  The long side is about 25 pixels or 4275 m, about 2.65 miles.  The shorter side is about 20 pixels or 3079 m, about 1.9 miles.  The ratio of the sides is roughly 1.5 (i.e., not exactly a golden rectangle).

If it's a building, it's certainly a huge one.


The object on the far right of our full-size NASA image, enlarged 400%, contains some extremely interesting detail.  Of what, we can't say for sure.  We are tempted to invite comparison with a statue.

The surrounding circular shape is about 4.9 miles in diameter.  The object itself is about 2.5 miles across. 

We don't know of any earthly statues on such a scale.  By comparison, the faces on Mount Rushmore are only 60 feet (20 meters) high.

Whatever it is, this object certainly is detailed, and it is certainly quite unlike what we see inside most other Martian craters.  We are at a loss to explain how a meteor strike could have created this large detailed mass within the perimeter of a crater.

There is also a face in this area.