Enhancements copyright (C) Marcia L. Peters, all rights reserved

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Dust Devils and a Leaning Oblong Structure

Latitude 10.10°
Longitude 149.02°
Traverse several different types of Medusae Fossae Fm. Surfaces

NASA Catalog:  http://ida.wr.usgs.gov/html/fha013/fha01362.html

Click on any image below for a full-resolution jpeg image of the same area

MOC Image Viking 
Resolution 2.86 m


A number of strange anomalies can be seen in these MOC photographs. 

Let's start in the upper left corner with the two light-colored funnel-shaped things.  Perhaps these are tornadoes or "dust devils".  Their shape is fairly symmetrical and they appear rather insubstantial.  The larger of the two objects is about 160m (525') high and its top has a turbulent, stretched-out appearance.  The smaller one is 51m (160') high. 


In the lower right corner we can see an object 34m (112') long.  This object casts a distinct shadow.  The object appears to be rectangular or cylindrical and is apparently leaning upon a surface ridge or dune.  In other words, this structure does not appear to be a rock formation protruding through the sandy surface, but rather, an independent object sitting entirely above ground level.