Enhancements copyright (C) Marcia L. Peters, all rights reserved

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Miscellaneous Rectangular Features

various latitudes and longitudes


NASA Catalog:  http://ida.wr.usgs.gov/html/fha010/fha01040.html

Click on any image below for a full-resolution jpeg image of the same area

Enhancement Commentary


This eroded rectangle is in the upper part of the Viking context photo.  As you can see, NASA often had to piece these together from Viking shots taken at different resolutions under varied lighting conditions.  Nevertheless, the rectangular shape is sharp and distinct. The blurry left portion appears to follow the same  rectangular pattern as the more distinct right side.

Latitude -21.69°
Longitude 141.07°
Resolution * 2.81 m


It's hard to say what this is, or was.  We found it in the upper left corner of this MOC photo.

We see a rectangular shape tall with irregular walls.  There appears to be a dome inside the perimeter.



In this enlarged Viking picture we see two distinct rectangular shapes, and possibly other anomalies. 

It is hard to know what to make of these, other than the fact that such rectangles are highly unlikely to occur in nature.





This rectangle is in the upper center of the Viking context photo at left.  Even though the picture quality is poor, there are quite a few odd shapes in this quadrant.  


Here's another one from the lower left of the same Viking photo.

Notice the long shadows?  A couple of tall towers and a lower, planar structure.

 Other markings on this same Viking photo resemble roads.