Poetry Corner

Language: We still call a certain marsupial the Kangaroo because an early explorer asked an aborigine what the beast was called and the aborigine said 'kang a run,' which means 'buggered if I know, mate' or, in some dialects, 'I'm a stranger here meself.'
[From The Great Mortdecai Moustache Mystery by Kyril Bonfiglioli, 1999]

Pithy Sayings

In Memoriam Kenneth
Wood, inventor of the
"Kenwood" Mixer and
the Reversible Toaster.

So. Farewell then
Ken Wood.

Inventor of the

Reversible the of
Wood Ken.

Then farewell

E.J. Thribb, inventor of the
Reversible Poem (½71)

Published in Private Eye, Number 936, 31 October 1997, page 19.

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