-[departures and revelations]- [2AM on a Sunday Ranma sits staring at his reflection in the pond what he sees displeases him because he only sees the reflection of his female half] Ranma: [looking at his female reflection while thinking] something's going to happen today Akane: Ranma?? Ranma: ...[not shifting his gaze] what are you doing up at this hour Akane: ...[sitting down next to Ranma] I just woke up early Ranma: [looking at his reflection which has now changed back to normal] ... Akane: you ok Ranma: no ... Akane: do you want to talk about it ... Ranma: .... Are we in love Akane ... is that why we fight so much ... why we're always calling each other names when both of us know we haven't really meant it for a very long time or ... why we constantly try to run away from each other and ourselves .................... after the wedding failed my mom released me from that stupid seppuku contract ... but I haven't really felt all that manly lately ... or even feminine ... I've just felt lost ...and I haven't been able to sleep for two days now Akane: ...[sighs] I haven't slept for two days either Ranma .... I don't want to hurt them ... except for maybe shampoo ... Ranma: what can we do Akane we love each other so much but there are still many things that have to be resolved the most severe of which are shampoo and Ukyou .... If I train you, you could beat shampoo and make her renounce her claim ... but Ukyou her family honor is at stake if our families aren't joined ... but the only way I can look at her is a sister Akane: ...[sighs] I know ... even with all of her meddling I kind of look at her as a sister as well ... it's only been a few days since the failed wedding but I've already forgiven her Ranma: ...[absentmindedly] I've always wanted a sister ... sometimes I really wish that Ukyou was that sister [Ranma and Akane turn to face each other and smile hoping Ukyou will agree to their little plan] Akane: [turning away from Ranma] ... I just wish I could beat shampoo if only I had something better than my stupid mallet Ranma: [giggles] I've never told you this Akane but you're mallet isn't so stupid ... it's your Ki attack Akane: what! Ranma: tell you what how bout we go on a little training mission together and I'll teach you everything I know and I'll teach you how to use that mallet of yours for something else than hitting me into the upper stratosphere Akane: but what will are parents think Ranma: those bunch of perverts ... I'll give you 1 guess and it doesn't count Akane: [sighs] I really do need the training don't I Ranma: yeah ... Akane: ...hum Ranma that letter you gave me from Ryouga Ranma: go on Akane: has he always been Ranma: yeah Akane: will I ever see him again Ranma: knowing his sense of direction ... I'd say the odds are at least 50- 50 Akane: ... Ranma let's leave on that training mission right now ... we'll just pack our bags and vanish for a month or two Ranma: and not even leave a note Akane: no not even a note Ranma: I want to leave my wishes that Ukyou is to become my sister Akane: fair enough [the next morning the Tendo dojo awakens to find their loudest residents are missing leaving only one trace an official request from Ranma that Ukyou is to become his sister and a sealed letter to Ukyou from Ranma] Nodoka: .... Genma make the preparations for the ceremony Genma: but Nodoka: no buts ... I'm going over to Ukyou's place to deliver the news and the sealed letter [a little later that morning Nodoka arrives at Ucchan's to find Ukyou scrubbing down the grill happily] Nodoka: [knocking on the glass window of Ukyou's store/home] Ukyou!! [Seeing Nodoka outside Ukyou quickly let's her in and they both sit down at the grill] Ukyou: so what's up Nodoka: [hands Ukyou the sealed letter] this Ukyou: what is it Nodoka: it's a sealed letter from Ranma meant only for you Ukyou: [moistens her lips] ....[opens the letter and starts reading it aloud] Ukyou I'm sorry to say I have never loved you as someone that I would want to marry ...[Ukyou starts to sob] ... but I have always loved you and always will love you as a sister and will until I draw my dying breath ...[Ukyou starts to look confused] because I love you as a sister and do not want to soil your family honor I ask you to become my sister [Ukyou starts to look even more confused] the sister I never have but have always seen in you [Ukyou pauses as she sees the last words] ... please Ukyou become my sister [Ukyou breaks down crying and Nodoka gently comforts her] [about a week later in a mountainous forest were Ranma and Akane are training Ranma is awoken by Akane stepping into his tent] Akane: Ranma it's kind of cold ... and I was wondering if I could [Akane starts turning red] Ranma: come on over here before you freeze [smiles] you un-cute tomboy Akane: [starts to get mad but sees Ranma's sincere smile] just don't do anything perverted Ranma: [looking very serious] despite what everyone thinks of me I don't do that kind of thing without an engraved invitation ok [needless to say Akane develops a very surprised look while Ranma's face takes on a very embarrassed look] Akane: hum ok [Akane lays down next to Ranma and Ranma as promised doesn't even try to wrap his arm around Akane] Akane: ...[feeling very uncomfortable] ... [Akane grabs Ranma's arm and wraps it around herself and elbows Ranma a little bit] ...now behave ... [a few seconds later Akane is feeling very hot because of Ranma's intense full body blush] Akane: [snuggling closer] calm down Ranma Ranma: [sounding very uncomfortable] hum Akane: just calm down and don't be afraid to get comfortable [after a few minutes Akane falls asleep while Ranma just tries to relax and gets to sleep] [early the next morning Akane is awoken by Ranma talking in his sleep with what Akane can only guess is his own id and superego] Ranma: no id-kun I'm not going to do it .... What you want me to do it to id-chan!! ... I'm going to be sick.... at least superego-kun and chan are with me [at this time Akane manages to figure out that something severely screwy is going on] Akane: [thinking] id-kun, id-chan ... it's like he's talking to two different ids and superegos ...[aloud] wake-up Ranma!! [Ranma wakes up in a cold sweat] Akane: you were just talking in your sleep Ranma [Ranma goes white] Akane: please tell me what's wrong [Ranma just sighs and takes his diary and a scientific journal of some sort out of his backpack] Ranma: read the journal [Akane takes the journal which is entitled "the effects of the Jusenkyo curse of Nyannichuan and possibly Nannichuan on the human id and superego by Ranma Saotome"] [Akane starts to read the highly technical journal explaining how the curse has affected him in cold technical scientific explanations and definitions but about halfway through the journal Akane finally realizes that the handwriting in the journal is that of Ranma] Akane: you really did write this didn't you Ranma: yeah [Akane still to shocked by the contents of the journal which say that the curse at least for him has caused his id and superego to split into two halves one feminine and one masculine doesn't come back with the sarcastic remark about him been able to write a complex scientific paper which most of which she can't understand herself] Akane: when did you start doing this Ranma: ... I was poking around the library one day when you were looking at romance novels and I came across a book on basic psychology and it helped answer a lot of questions about why I suddenly had four voices in my head instead of two so I started keeping that journal so I could sort out what the curse did to me [by this time Akane has managed to recover from the shock of Ranma being able to write a complex scientific paper that Dr. tofu would have trouble with] Akane: but how did you write this I mean some of the stuff in here Dr. tofu would have trouble with Ranma: [smiles weekly] I may be a blabbering idiot when it comes to talking about things but I can write with the best of them ... Akane: [looking at Ranma's diary] can I Ranma: [looking remorseful] yeah but a word of warning the Ranma Saotome that you'll read about in there is a very different person than the one you constantly mallet into the stratosphere ... so before you take the key and open that book make sure you want to know him [Akane looks at the scientific journal in her hands a journal worthy of Sigmund Freud himself and ponders how much more there must be to Ranma if he could write something this complex] Akane: [looking at the diary and then at Ranma who now has a gold key in his hand] ...ok Ranma: another thing the Ranma in that diary has very strong feelings about sexists [Ranma hands the now confused Akane the key to his diary and then leaves the tent to prepare breakfast] [later that morning Ranma is meditating while in the background a mixture of sadness, anger, and other emotions can be felt from the direction of his tent in which Akane is still reading his diary] Ranma: [thinking] maybe giving her the diary wasn't the wisest thing to do but it's the only way I've got to show her who I really am under my protective "Ranma no baka" exterior ...hum... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... 0... [suddenly a stifled scream is heard from Ranma's tent and a few seconds later Akane rushes out of the tent her face whiter than new fallen snow] Ranma: [not even opening his eyes] I see you got to THAT DAY Akane: [her voice very shaky] I'm so sorry I never Ranma: [still not opening his eyes] that's right you never knew the only one that knows about that is Kasumi and that's because she's the one that found me on the bathroom floor after IT happened ... read on Akane there's more to that story you need to know [as Akane begins to read more and more about THAT DAY and IT her face becomes whiter and whiter and then terns beat red for a second before becoming even paler than before] Akane: [handing Ranma the open diary face down] I think I need to take a cold shower Ranma [Akane walks off and Ranma flips over the diary to reveal a date that was approximately a month after he received his curse and in very poor and shaky handwriting the beginning of the diary entry reads "dear diary today I had my first period..."] [meanwhile a few hundred meters away Akane is crying and crying hard about all the things she had ever done to Ranma while remembering how the diary had called her a female sexist and how that hurt her mainly because the diary gave a detailed definition of a sexist that fit her to the nines but also remembering the next entry was about IT happening to Ranma] Akane: [thinking] the one thing I never thought or even dreamed could happen to poor Ranma has been happening all this time ... oh kami why have I've been such a ...[aloud] ... sexist!!!!! [Back at the campsite Ranma hears the screen and a single tear rolls down his face as he stops meditating] -[the return]- [early morning at the Tendo dojo everyone is awoken by a divine smell coming from the kitchen] [the upstairs hallway where Nodoka, Kasumi, Genma, Soun, and Nabiki have gathered] Nodoka: if none of us are downstairs who's cooking breakfast [at this time a half a sleep Ranma comes out of the bathroom and walks downstairs without missing a beat] Nabiki: you don't think Akane: [from downstairs] breakfast is ready!!! [Everyone cautiously walks downstairs to find Ranma wolfing down his food as per usual while Akane is setting the rest of the table] Akane: [looking up at everyone] bout time you sleepy heads woke up now sit down and eat some breakfast [seeing that Ranma is actually eating everyone assumes that the meal was not prepared by Akane and all sit down in eat] Ranma: [just finishing his meal] that was a good meal my uncute tomboy [Without hesitating Ranma gets up and leaves for the training hall while Akane turns to see the reactions on everyone's faces which are predictably shocked] Akane: well I guess I better go change into my training gi so me and Ranma can spar [Akane leaves for her bedroom leaving the rest of those gathered at the dining room table in a state of shock which only increases when Akane walks by in a green gi and white pants on her way to the training hall] Nabiki: I say we go watch them [later in the training hall Ranma and Akane are sparing at Tenshin Amaguriken speed while firing off Chi bolts throwing mallets while Nodoka, Kasumi, Genma, Soun, and Nabiki are watching while eating a bowl of popcorn when Ranma lands a punch to Akane's abdominales sending her into the wall scaring everyone until Akane gets up and dusts her self off] Akane: ok you win today but tomorrow my Ranma no baka you're the one that's going into the wall [predictably Ranma sticks his tongue out at Akane and they both start to fight again all be it half heartly considering they are both laughing their heads off] Akane: [still laughing] don't think this gets you off the hook tomorrow your going down [Ranma just sticks of his tongue which Akane quickly grabs] Akane: you were saying Ranma: [trying to speak even know Akane still has his tongue] let go of my tongue [Akane obliges Ranma's request and lets go of his tongue before both of them get up and leave] [later back in the dining room where Nodoka is sitting alone when Ranma and Akane enter] Nodoka: so where did you two go to the Akane: we went on a training mission and that's all Ranma: so did Ukyou accept Nodoka: of course ... and you better go and visit her before she worries her self sick over you and Akane [Ranma smiles at the idea of having a sister and then he and Akane leave for Ucchan's] [meanwhile at Ucchan's Ukyou is getting ready to open when a certain black piglet jumps on top of her head] Ukyou: so p-chan do you think my dear brother will return today [said piglet just gives a low bwee] Ukyou: you're right he's probably already eloped with Akane [on that cue Ranma and Akane can be seen approaching Ucchan's] Ryouga-P-chan: [using a small sign] I could be wrong however [Ryouga-p-chan runs off just as Ranma and Akane enter] Ukyou: [smiling] where have you two been for the past couple of months Ranma: on a training mission ... isn't that right my uncute tomboy [Akane elbows Ranma before sitting down] Ukyou: well you two seem to be getting along better [Ranma and Akane go into their usual act about each other but even a stranger would be able to tell that they are only playing which causes Ukyou to start laughing furiously] Ukyou: so when's the wedding [at this time Ranma and Akane go beat red just as Ryouga enters] Ryouga: yeah bro when are you going to get off your ass and marry her [predictably Ranma develops a look of complete shock on his face which only increases as he sees Ryouga pointing to a small gold ring on his right hand while Ukyou smiles as she fiddles with a similar gold ring on her left hand] [Ranma can do nothing but flap his jaw in the wind while Akane congratulates the two and apologizes for not been at the wedding until Ukyou notices Ranma has gone into total neural shut down] Ukyou: [doing a perfect Kasumi imitation] oh my I do believe his brain shut down Akane: [materialize in a mallet out of nowhere] don't worry I know where the restart button is [Akane smacks Ranma with her ki mallet which manages to restart Ranma's brain] Ranma: [blinks] let me get this straight Ryouga you're now my brother-in- law Ryouga: yep [at this time Ranma materializes a large mallet and starts beating himself over the head as he leaves] Ukyou: when did you teach him how to do the mallet thing Akane: about a month ago ... well I guess I better go find him [Akane gets up and walks over to the door before stopping] ... oh by the way Ryouga I'll be having a word with you later [that said Akane starts to glow before leaving] Ukyou: you know what dear I believe you're in deep, deep trouble Ryouga: [sweating visibly] maybe I should go on a training mission Ukyou: [shakes her head] that would only delay the inevitable and you know it Ryouga: I know but at least I can prepare for being malleted into pig pudding Ukyou: you do have a point Plot hole ...big plot hole -[No longer a curse]- [early morning in Ranma and Akane's room Ranma and Akane awaken in each other's arms] Ranma: mhhh Akane: so my Ranma no baka Ranma: what my uncute tomboy Akane: shall we go downstairs Ranma: [remembering the Nannichuan water downstairs and Akane's decision last night] ok {the previous night after the wedding after everyone had left the dojo Ranma and Akane are sitting in the dining room looking at a bottle of Nannichuan} Ranma: [his face white] are you sure about this Akane: yes Ranma I don't want you to use the Nannichuan Ranma: why Akane: ...[sighs] you just wouldn't be my Ranma without it Ranma: [looks at the bottle of Nannichuan] ...fine for you I will do anything ... or in this case nothing Akane: [smiles] we'll decide what to do with the water later ... in the meantime ...[Akane develops a perverted little smile] [back to the present where Akane who is wearing one of Ranma's usual outfits while sitting at the dining room table giving the bottle of Nannichuan a strangely perverted smile when Ranma enters with breakfast] Ranma: breakfast is ready Akane: mhh sounds good and I definitely worked up an appetite last night [Ranma turns beat red] Ranma: who've of thought you'd be such a nymfo [Akane just smiles as she turns slightly red] [After a short breakfast Akane returns her gaze to the bottle of Nannichuan] Akane: [thinking as she absentmindedly fingers the bottle] hum ... Ranma's right I never thought I would enjoy sex so much ... I love him deeply ... but I still really don't understand him ... do I really want a curse of my own ... it would make him happy but at the same time it would make him sad ... but for some strange reason I know it would make me happy ... maybe because I know I would be able to satisfy him ... but that's not the only reason ... I guess maybe I've been jealous of him ...[aloud] Ranma do you have any instant Nannichuan left Ranma: hum why do you ask [Akane just smiles at Ranma] Ranma: [gulps] dumb question right Akane: yeah ... [smiles] Ranma: [looking at the bottle suspiciously] you aren't actually thinking about doing what I think you're thinking of Akane: [shrugs her shoulders] yeah I guess I am ... [giggles] although I have no idea why ... [sighs] Ranma: ... I have one packet left [Akane just smiles devilishly and Ranma leaves to go get the packet] Akane: [looking at the Nannichuan while smiling and thinking] oh Ranma I don't really care about the curse I care about you ... but why, why do I want to become more like you I don't understand I know I do but yet ... [sighs and continues to think] ... I know it's not for the sex ... [mentally smiles] although I won't deny it has something to do with that ... maybe it's just my way of showing you how much I love you [smiles] [Ranma reenters with a bucket of cold water and his last package of instant Nannichuan and puts them down on the table next to Akane and Akane checks the temperature of the water by splashing Ranma with a little while smiling] Ranma-chan: why Akane: [stairs at the bottle of Nannichuan] I don't really know I just know I want to do it [Ranma-chan sighs deeply and starts to leave] Akane: and where are you going Ranma-chan: hum [Akane grabs the bucket and the packet of instant Nannichuan and walks off to her and Ranma's bedroom while motioning Ranma-chan to follow] [later in Ranma and Akane's room Ranma-chan sits on the bad nervously looking out the window while Akane mixes the instant Nannichuan into the bucket of cold water] Akane: [holding the bucket] anything I should know before hand Ranma-chan: hum ... your balance will be completely off just after you transform [scratches the back of her head absentmindedly while thinking] ...oh kami I'm going to lose it I just know it Akane: Ranma please watch [as Ranma-chan turns to face Akane just as she pours the contents of the bucket over herself transforming into a man around the same height and build as Ranma in his male form while still looking very much like herself only masculine] Akane-Kun: [turning to see himself in his closet mirror] ... is [Akane-Kun jumps at the sound of his own voice] ... that really me [Akane-Kun just keeps staring at the mirror] Ranma-chan: [thinking] oh kami-sama she's just as handsome .... Akane-Kun: [turning to face Ranma-chan] are you ok Ranma you seem a little white [Akane-Kun sees the expression on Ranma-Chan's face change to 1 he is all too familiar with] Akane-Kun: [sitting down next to Ranma-chan] just let go and be a woman for once Ranma Ranma-chan: ...[thinking] oh kami, kami, should I ... the feelings from this body are becoming unbearable their screaming to be satisfied I just can't ...be ...a ...man ... right now ......[Ranma-chan looks into Akane- Kun's eyes] ... it still Akane ... and I'm still me ... [Ranma-chan starts to kiss Akane-Kun passionately and nature takes its course] [later that evening Ranma sits alone having a hot bath] Ranma: [thinking] ... I don't want to be just a man anymore not after what happened today ... my female body is now mine just as much as my male body and I'm not going to run away from my feminine side anymore ...[smiles] I know mom will understand ... from now on I'm going to be both a man and a woman [suddenly a large splash of water can be heard from downstairs] Ranma: [smiles] my uncute tomboy has just gotten a lot more boyish -[control?]- [the dining room of the Tendo dojo where Akane has just pored a bottle of Nannichuan over her head becoming Akane-Kun] Akane-Kun: [taking a deep breath] ahh [suddenly Ranma can be heard screening from upstairs] Akane-Kun: what the!!! [5 seconds later Akane-kun barges into the bathroom to find Ranma frantically pouring water over himself] Akane-Kun: what's wrong Ranma: I'm not transforming!! Akane-Kun: what!! ...well maybe it's just some kind of fluke Ranma: [trying to compose himself] yeah maybe I just got some instant Nannichuan on myself and it'll where often a while ... why don't you go downstairs and make some tea Akane I'll be down their after I get dressed [Akane-Kun leaves and a few minutes later down in the dining room Ranma- chan enters to find Akane sipping some tea] Akane: ahh I see you finely transformed Ranma-chan: what [notices her own voice and then pats herself on the chest] .... Akane: what's wrong Ranma-chan: ... I wasn't in this form a second ago Akane ... quick the hot water [Akane throws Ranma-chan the hot water kettle which she quickly pours over her head but does not transform] Ranma-chan: [now balancing the kettle on top of her head] okay this is getting weird even for us [Akane grabs a nearby glass of ice water which she pours on herself and instantly changes into Akane-Kun] Akane-Kun: well at least my curse doesn't have a short circuit [Ranma-chan roles her eyes at her wife/husband's comment] Akane-kun: well what were you thinking of between here and the bathroom Ranma-chan: mainly why I didn't transform Akane-Kun: anything unusual ... even if it seems silly or trivial Ranma-chan: ... well I was thinking it would be nice if I could control my curse better Akane-Kun: how exactly Ranma-chan: I would be able to snap my fingers and I would change forms just like that [snaps her fingers and transforms much to Akane-Kun's surprise] Akane-Kun: [blinks] you just did Ranma: what [again surprised by his own voice] ....ok this is getting too weird Akane-Kun: try to do it again this time on purpose Ranma: ok ...[snaps his fingers] ... well that didn't work Akane-Kun: [tapping her fingers absentmindedly] don't try to do it just do it Ranma: ....ok [Ranma snaps his fingers and this time transforms] Ranma-chan: did ...[notices her voice] ... I guess I did ....hay you try it now Akane-Kun: ...[snaps his fingers] ... [raising an eyebrow] ... Ranma-chan: nothing Akane-Kun: I guess I'm stuck with hot and cold water until we figure out what's changed about your curse Ranma-chan: [smiling] go get some hot water for yourself and then will go to dinner with my sister ... and by the time we get back our family should be back [later at Ucchan's Ranma-chan and Akane enter Akane sipping on some bottled water] Ukyou: [looking at an okonomiyaki cookbook] ... Akane: hi sis Ukyou: ....[still looking at her cookbook] hi sis ... so where's ran-chan Ranma-chan: put your cookbook down sis and maybe you would notice I'm right here [Ukyou puts down her cookbook] Ukyou: ...[blinks] ...but ...the ... Nannichuan Akane: [smiles] ... me and Ranma decided to do something different with it [pores some of her bottled water on herself changing into Akane-Kun] Ukyou: [beyond shocked] ... how ... why Ranma-chan: [smiling] clam down Ucchan Ukyou: why did you Ranma-chan: we're not exactly sure ourselves ok Ucchan Ukyou: ... you want any hot water Akane-Kun: naa