Above is Matthew Reidy, also known as Willie. A energetic chap, as you can see from the above picture. His party piece is balancing a pint of larger on the back of his head, as you can see from above. Originally from Limerick but I have my doubts, I think he really came from clare. He is now in his record 6th year in university, bright young chap. Likes to dabble into a pint of guinness. Matthew was once All Ireland banjo champion. He played a piece entitled 'The Pigs Willie'. Hence the name Willie. Favoutire quote:' how ru doing, how ru getting on'. (TO BE SAID IN A BROAD KERRY ACCENT)


Well this is me in my usual drunken state. I am the one who does all the phoning. The lads are probably delighted that the season is over as I will not be bugging them anymore about training. I am a Roscommon man, from the parish of Moore to be exact. I also like the odd pint of guinness and we usually hold our meeting in O'Neills with a pint of guinness. This is my second year as secretary and my last (thank god) Favoutite quote: 'ara musha how ay ye'


Well folks this is our treasurer, Mr. Dan Melia. Here he is in a thoughtful mood, probably thinking how to pay all our bills!!!!!!. Dan is from Galway. Don't know where to be exact, somewhere in the bog. He is the only committee member not to be playing, unfortunately for us he decided to hang up his boots and after many persuasive efforts we gave up on him. But he is not a bad lad, he knows his sums (thank god). This man definately loves his guinness as he would drink any man under the table so long as it is guinness. Favourite quote:'What!!!! can't do that'