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阿達爾瑪佛教網路 梵音翻譯組
The Sanscrit translation Group of the adharma buddha site


阿達爾媽佛網站之梵音-英文鍵盤代表法 The adharma buddha web site 's English-keyboard denotation for sanskrit pronunciation.
請注意:有大小寫之區分 Note: The upper case is different from lower case in our denotation 50 個梵音 50 sanskrit letters
a - ㄚ ; u in 'but' A - 長 ㄚ ; long a i - 國語之"壹" ; i in 'it' I - 長"壹"; long i,(somewhat like English letter E) u - ㄨ ; oo in 'took' U - 長ㄨ ; long u r. - 古代中文佛經是記成"釐",猜猜怎麼唸 R. - 長 r. ; long r. l. - 古代中文佛經是記成"梨",猜猜怎麼唸 L. - 長 l. ; long l. e - ㄟ ; English letter A ai - 國語之"愛" ; English letter I o - ㄡ ; English letter O au - 國語之"傲" ; ou in 'out'
aM - M 為鼻音, oM 唸成國語之 "嗡" , HUM 唸成國語之"鬨","吽" ; M is Nasalization a: - 為a之氣音,有點像國語之"哈";又不完全是國語之"哈",只能我親自口授! sounds somewhat like ha
ka - 懂英文就會 kha - 有氣音之 ka ; ka with expiration,h ga - gHa - 有氣音之 ga ; ga with expiration,H Na - N 即 ng , ㄥ ; No 唸成臺語之"娥",或廣東話之"吾" ; N is the ng in 'sing a song'
ca - 唸成國語之 "掐" , 臺語之"車" ; c is the ch in 'church' cha - 上字加氣音 ; ca with expiration,h ja - 唸成國語之 "加" ; j is the j in 'jet' jHa - 上字加氣音 ; ja with expiration,H n'a - 唸成臺語之 "娘" ; n'a sounds like nya
t.a - 音值類似國語"它",但舌略捲,近上顎;t. sounds like t with tongue near the palate t.ha - 上字加氣音 ; t.a with expiration,h d.a - 音值類似 da, ,但舌略捲,近顎; d. sounds like d with tongue near the palate d.Ha - 上字加氣音 ; d.a with expiration,H n.a - 音值類似 na, ,但舌略捲,近顎; n. sounds like n with tongue near the palate
ta - tha - 上字加氣音 ; ta with expiration,h da - dHa - 上字加氣音 ; da with expiration,H na -
pa pha ba bHa ma
ya - 國語之"呀" ra - la - va - 國語之"哇","發" 之間
s'a - 國語之"瞎"; s' sounds like the sh in she and s'I sounds like she s.a - 音值類似 sa , 但舌略捲,近顎; s. sounds like s with tongue near the palate sa - Ha - 國語之"哈"
ks.a - 類似國語之"ㄎ擦" ; aks.a sounds like 'aktsa'
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