Sailor Mercury/Ami Mizuno

Results ::: Sailor Mercury
Real Name/Alias
Ami Mizuno
Inner Senshi
Aya Hisakawa
Character Bio
Living her life in Tokyo, no one would ever suspect
the local brainiac, Ami Mizuno to be the bubble
toting member of the sailor senshi. Think again.
Ami has been proclaimed by most fans of sailor
moon to be the "nerd" or "weakness" of the group.
While she is very smart and her powers are less
than exciting, she is still a vital member of
the group. Her oversized brain has prooven many
times to be a big advantage for the sailor senshi
and has even got them out of a few pickles.
Mercury's powers derive from ice and of course ...
bubbles. She use's her powers mostly for defense.
When she is not shooting bubbles, Ami pretty much
spends her time with her books and studies a lot.
While she is shy most of the time, Ami does manage
to throw out some funny one liners every once in
Character Links
The Sailor Mercury Shrine of Water

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