Simon's: Mary Hopkin Collection.
Pat's: Mary Hopkin Collection.
Takashi's: Record Collection.
Song Lyrics
Fields of St. Etienne:
I'm Gonna Fall in Love Again:
Kew Gardens:
Knock Knock, Who's There:
Let My Name Be Sorrow:
Lontano Dagli Occhi:
Que Sera Sera:
Summertime, Summertime:
Sweet and Low:
Temma Harbour:
Those Were The Days:
Turn, Turn, Turn:
The Official, Unofficial Mary Hopkin Mailing List
Welcome to the Mary Hopkin mailing list homepage, the best site on
the web for info on Mary. For all those who haven't heard of Mary,
she was is a singer who emegered in the 60's, and recorded on the
Beatles' Apple label. Her most famous song is 'Those Were The Days',
which reached no.1. in the charts. After exploring this page, you might
like to join the list. All you have to do is to enter your email address in
the box at the top-left of the screen, and then clicking on the join
button above it. I hope you leave this site with a new understanding of
the greatness and wonder that was, and still is, Mary Hopkin.
Thank you for visiting the Mary Hopkin mailing list homepage. This page is designed so that fans of Mary can chat about her, exchange information, and also swap records.
This list is not only for Mary Hopkin, but also for the Beatles, and all other artists that performed on the Apple Label. We also have our own chat room so that fans can chat in realtime.
Paul McCartney with Mary Hopkin in the recording studio
We've had visitors since October 1997.
This page is run by Simon Fleming, with the help of Naoto Ito.
