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photo art gallery
photography provides a source of inspiration. "Photography" yes.  Photographer no ... I am not a "professional" photographer.  I use my photography to capture images that inspire me to create new original pieces using pastels, oils, acrylics or even digital modification.  In the process, I've managed to capture a few favorites.  See samples below. Limited-edition print(s) and note cards are currently available for purchase.

city, landscape, nature and
still life inspired
images by mi
Chicago Skyline II  by michelleChicago Skyline Lakeview VI  by michellenote card photo artwork set Nature Inspired  magnolianote card photo artwork set Nature Inspired detail purple  blooms
note cards and personalized
greeting cards
featuring artwork by mi

check out design your own
personalized note cards

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figurative artwork gallery disclaimerArtwork in this section include studies of the human body created from either live models or freehand. Parental guidance is advised in this section. For those under 18 or age of maturity some artwork may not be appropriate. If your parent's wouldn't approve, please respect their wishes.